what would you do


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Try straping a dummy to a bike, when you hear him coming let it ghostride out in front of his car. I'm sure it will scare the shit out of him.
ya thought about just gostriding a bike in front of him, bounce a ball make him swerve and crash..


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Do you live on a private street? Do you have a HOA? My dad had the same problem at his house. People would cut thru at 60 mph. He got tired of it and got with the other people on the street and added road hmps or speed bumps. Just and idea.
public road ................


Active Member
whys it all about smashin and crashin always, man up, go to his door, seein as its weekend, do it now! Do you have testicles?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
whys it all about smashing and crash always, man up, go to his door, seeing as its weekend, do it now! Do you have testicles?
well cuz i ran out in the road with a big chunk of log and acted like i was going to trow it at him..
i have balls, but this asinine don't, he could of stops and said sorry i will slow down or even just slow down after that, but he still insist on speeding by.. well not for long as im going to fix his ass...


Active Member
Place a road block and confront him when he stops and explain your concerns to him. A left and a right will help him see the light.. LOL...


Active Member
NI420... You are right. Violent is never the answer, but some people just can't be reached. For example.. A person who continually speeds down a residential street at any time of the day is just plain stupid. It's not a question of if they will hit somebody, it is WHEN they will hit somebody. He has already killed two dogs as previously posted by our gracious host MR. My Girls.


Active Member
NI420... You are right. Violent is never the answer, but some people just can't be reached. For example.. A person who continually speeds down a residential street at any time of the day is just plain stupid. It's not a question of if they will hit somebody, it is WHEN they will hit somebody. He has already killed two dogs as previously posted by our gracious host MR. My Girls.
violence may not always be the answer but sometimes you have to be proactive instead of reactive. for example i rather have a physical confrontation with they guy and bust his nose open to let him know that endangering lives will not be tolerated then sit back and do nothing and see a child get hurt or dog for that matter. now I'm not saying that he shouldn't be warned, or that everything should be handled with fists but sometimes respect has to be a hands on lesson


Well-Known Member
Maybe he is speeding by because he is scared his neighbor will be throwing oranges at him again!

Maybe talking to him would be a better approach.


Well-Known Member
Unless some one is on it you will be in the wrong. Remember pedestrians have the right of way, not random objects. That could be considered assalt with a weapon.


Well-Known Member
Do you live on a private street? Do you have a HOA? My dad had the same problem at his house. People would cut thru at 60 mph. He got tired of it and got with the other people on the street and added road hmps or speed bumps. Just and idea.
This is what you need to do. Listen to this guy.. he's right. Plus, its the best solution to slow people down.

My street, they actually didn't put speed bumps on it.. nope.. instead, they put these really fucking deep 'dips' in the road. That slowed people down for sure.. I mean if your going more than 10MPH over these 'dips' in the road.. I don't care what your driving.. you hit one of the dips past 10MPH.. and you can say bye bye to your drive-train. It took a while to get them installed.. and to get people to realize what was going on. But, once everyone pulled together.. they had the 'dips' installed on the street within a month. So, yeah.. this is by far the most effective method of slowing people down.



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Unless some one is on it you will be in the wrong. Remember pedestrians have the right of way, not random objects. That could be considered assalt with a weapon.
yes he is. he would have to prove i wasn't on the bike and jumped off just in the nick oo time


Well-Known Member
Seriously you get more bees with honey. Try to talk to him. Dont be a dick just tell him your concerns. If he says fuck you then you can do what ever you want sling oranges, poo, paintballs, bikes whatever at least you tried to be the bigger man.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Seriously you get more bees with honey. Try to talk to him. Dont be a dick just tell him your concerns. If he says fuck you then you can do what ever you want sling oranges, poo, paintballs, bikes whatever at least you tried to be the bigger man.
if you were him and i ran out in front of you with a chunck of wood yelling and waveing it around, are you going to talk to me after that. i wouldn't..


Well-Known Member
Seriously you get more bees with honey. Try to talk to him. Dont be a dick just tell him your concerns. If he says fuck you then you can do what ever you want sling oranges, poo, paintballs, bikes whatever at least you tried to be the bigger man.
Nope. Wrong. even if after being a civilized person and trying to talk with him... he still insists on being a dickhead and driving like a madman,

hold your composure and just walk away as the bigger man.


Well-Known Member
You are prob right.

But its still worth a try. At least you know he wont try any crazy shit because he already knows who the craziest mother fucker on the block is. Dontcha know im crazzy!!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
You are prob right.

But its still worth a try. At least you know he wont try any crazy shit because he already knows who the craziest mother fucker on the block is. Dontcha know im crazzy!!
ya but i also see a gun sticking out of his front door as i walk up...