What would you do?


Well-Known Member
No, but some body tricked me into catnip!!:cuss: I was pretty pissed once I could breath again.


Well-Known Member
i would cut it and either smoke it or make hash. what ever happen to the What-Would-Jesus-Do bracelets?


Well-Known Member
LMAO, Good question!! I never wore one. I know my teenage kid have that style bracelets, but the don't say "WWJD". Thay have stupid little high school sayings on them.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah tastes like burnt hair lol then you forget you smoked it and the world becomes a fucked up place for ten mins then you sweat like your in the shower and your fine again, hits harder than acid and thank the good lord its only 10 mins long


Well-Known Member
Is that what salvia tastes like or is that what you smoked? It does get you high right? Or am I thinking of something else?

ive tried saliva before out of my roor. it was ugly. someone told me the world was folding, so i looked away from them. rite next to me was a orange sweeter fold over a computer desk chair. i freaked out. never again.

mine was only 5x (i think the lowest one)


Well-Known Member
yeah tastes like burnt hair lol then you forget you smoked it and the world becomes a fucked up place for ten mins then you sweat like your in the shower and your fine again, hits harder than acid and thank the good lord its only 10 mins long
ive tried saliva before out of my roor. it was ugly. someone told me the world was folding, so i looked away from them. rite next to me was a orange sweeter fold over a computer desk chair. i freaked out. never again.

mine was only 5x (i think the lowest one)
I've heard more stories like this more than I have stories of ppl liking it. I've never tried it myself.:peace:


New Member
cut off all the branches with bananas and keep an eye on the top cola if its herming too. cut it so that there is a minimal amount of new growth so at least it is not dead and rotting in the same pot as the other plant.


Well-Known Member
cut off all the branches with bananas and keep an eye on the top cola if its herming too. cut it so that there is a minimal amount of new growth so at least it is not dead and rotting in the same pot as the other plant.

I thought about trying to manage it but there's just to many sacks. The top cola has as many hairs as it does sacks. The sacks are deeper in the bud and hard to see. This pot did have 3 plants in it. The other 1 was a male. I cut it about .5" above the soil and left the stump with no problems. Thanks for your advise.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I cut it down yesterday. I'm happy with it considering it was only 4 weeks flowering. It's pretty thick and crystally. I still couldn't get a good pic of the pollen sacks. Ohwell, I'll enjoy smoking it a few days. Here's a pic.:peace:

