What would you do?

Hi all

2x5 tent under LED

3 female plants from unknown bag seed looking good 3 days into flower

1 other plant in the tent that I suspect is male but is from an OG kush pheno type

The male plant is a beast, fast, vigirous, tight spacing, ultra big and healthy, a real monster

Should I get rid of it if I know for sure its a male, or since its such a beast let it pollinate to give me some possible awsome seeds?

what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Separate the male into a remote closet or space. Collect and store pollen. Pollinate plants strategically and surgically in an orderly fashion. Ensure everything is labelled.


Well-Known Member
Your guessing ok kush and suspecting male - Why not wait to find out for sure, males are easy to identify before they drop pollen.