What works for you??


bud bootlegger
well, if you have the $$$, then i'd say metal halide for veg, and hps for flowering.. depending on how much room one has to grow would determine the wattage..
if your trying to grow on a budget, cfl's work great for veg and ok for flowering if you've got enough lumens..

t5's are another great option for vegging plants and or mother plants.. they aren't as cheap as say cfl's, and can sometimes cost almost as much as hid's, but are a great investment imho, and you can always add them to the flowering bulbs, whichever one may choose..


bud bootlegger
whats better t5 or mh for veg if your not worried about the money?
ehh.. that is a tough one.. t5's are great for smaller plants like seedlings as they are a form of flouresent bulb, and therefore don't penetrate very deeply in a bigger plant.. this is where a mh would be better.. i like to use my t5 for seedlings till they get to be a couple of weeks old or so, then i put them under the mh till they are ready to flower..