What went wrong on YOUR first grow?

yea, and what a pain in the ass that would be using 6 x 6 Rockwool blocks in a flood tray watering three times a day.
Yea that would not be good, I guess I'm just a lil ghetto with my shit still lol, especially compared to some ppl on here, sticking to soil tho it's easier IMHO.

karl hungus

im in the fourth week of flowering on my first grow, and so far my biggest mistake was trusting my digital ph meter over the drops that i also had. for some reason my hanna "checker" stopped working well after a few weeks (i calibrated it daily and stored it properly i believe), and it took me a few more weeks to realize why my plants were having issues...the damn digital ph meter! i switched to drop testing and havent had an issue since...

oh. that and stupid me just bought a inline fan now, after vegging for 3 or so months, and flowing for a few weeks....i had an exhaust fan, but it was this crappy 8" destop type fan. humidity was getting out of control...bought a can fan, crisis averted. ive been pretty good at dealing with problems as they arise, i think. my basement got a 1/4-1/2 in. of water in it last week, cleaned it up and dreid it out in two days...crisis management ftw.


Active Member
hmmm...my first grow...biggest mistake was I was growing for a friend....but then i pissed of my girlfriend real bad and she destroyed the plants.....yea this grow going much better....


Active Member
Wifes fucking cat ate my balcony plant, every leaf fukin gone... now hes locked in a glass door shower and thats his new forever home. hes not goin near my new grow


Active Member
I was about to harvest my very first grow of WW and out of no where I was abducted by aliens. I found myself in a strange white room surrounded by short creatures with large black round eyes. They were pinching my nipples and laughing out loud. The females, so they seemed to be (at least I hope they were) were fondling my testicles and laughing at the size of my penis. I was quickly aroused (as usual) and with my amazingly cat quick reflexes grabbed one of the females by the head.

She knew exactly what I wanted and gobbled my throbbing erection to the hilt. The male aliens were stunned by my quick thinking and tried to attack me all at once. I flung the female away and grabbed the small alien creatures by their necks and one by one throttled them to death.

The remaining females fell to the knees and took me in as their leader. They took their ship back to Earth and we gathered up my harvest of WW. Once everything was dried and cured we took what was left and shot off into outer space in search of the ganja lord Cannibusibal.

Happy toking bongsmilie:eyesmoke:

Ill have what he's having!!!!!


Active Member
Thanks to all of you who have posted. This is been some very good info and some hilarious stuff too!

I'm about 3 days in to my first grow and I'm having issues germinating. I think I might be watering too much. I am using Jiffy Pellets and they are in a dome. They have been there for 3 entire days now and I got impatient and used a toothpick to kind of pick the soil away to make sure they had started forming a root or something. I have 3 seeds germing and all 3 have a little root coming out. Does it normally take longer than 3 days to have seeds break soil? By the way, I didnt soak them or anything, just put them straight into the wet jiffy pellets. DAMN I AM SO IMPATIENT!!! Know what I mean?

What are your experiences with germination and the methods you use and the length of time it takes your seeds to break soil?


Active Member
My first grow started at 23 bad seeds in a single container under a 250w HPS light in a closet added into my shed. 1 month into flowering with only 10 female plants remaining(The rest having died or been male) I had to move them into my backyard into the soil. They grew well and budded and I harvested the few 1 to 2 ft ones and left my monster 6 ft to finish up because it wasn't done yet.

5 Days from harvest my sisters dog she had just gotten 5 weeks earlier tore it up...
I'm gona kill him someday...


Well-Known Member
On my 1st grow I started with too many strains at once. When it came to the end, some plants were ready ...some still needed 2 weeks...and some even longer. So for a 1st timmer it made it real hard to flush plants while still getting food to the others. Everything was growing together in the same tray/resorvoir set-up and sharing the same light...so I couldn't even seperate them. That was my big 1st time f-up.
I'm 4 weeks into flowering my first grow and boy has it been a journey. I'll start by just saying Murphy lives in my basement and has been a great teacher. First thing to go wrong was powdery mildew on my 3 week old clones. Then we used FFOF and started nutes way to soon which almost killed one of our 3 ladies, burned our Cheese just a bit but didn't do shit to the Strawberry D. Didn't have my lite on a timer. (not a good thing if your a forgetful smoker) A little more nute burn. Now 4 weeks into flower and we are back to powdery mildew.


Active Member
I'm 4 weeks into flowering my first grow and boy has it been a journey. I'll start by just saying Murphy lives in my basement and has been a great teacher. First thing to go wrong was powdery mildew on my 3 week old clones. Then we used FFOF and started nutes way to soon which almost killed one of our 3 ladies, burned our Cheese just a bit but didn't do shit to the Strawberry D. Didn't have my lite on a timer. (not a good thing if your a forgetful smoker) A little more nute burn. Now 4 weeks into flower and we are back to powdery mildew.
Powdery midew in your soil?
No, on the leaves. At least thats what I have been told. Going to have it checked by a good friend who has been growing for many years.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
First grow was not a total disaster but very close. This was '77 as I recall. I was 16 and didn't know dick about growing cannabis. 2 patches from bagseed that we called Columbian or "Cebo" but more likely the harshest, Mexican-ditchweed that we were dumb enough to cough up $35/oz for in those days but it was all that was available. I was big into motocross/trail-riding then and took a friend straight to what I thought was my best patch one summer afternoon. A few days later I came back to water and they had been ripped (4 plants) but they had not even shown pre-flowers at that point so my soon-to-be-ex-buddy got nada as far as a buzz. Other patch was actually decent with about 20 oz yield and it was my first sensimilla experience so maybe he did me a favor by ripping up at least one male if not more. Grew up growing tobacco, corn and soybeans so probably made fewer mistakes than many.


I guess Im the only dumbass to do this. No where did I read this in the mj bible and I dont read this too often but my ebb & flow water level was really high in the buckets and all my plants developed stem rot about 2-3 weeks in. I didnt know what to look for or that it could even happen until one plant completely fell over. After close inspection I noticed all my plants had it. I had to do some bandaging on all my plants but they got through it. I also over vegged waiting for pre-flowers as I read that it would stress the plant by flowering before pre-flowers showed. That caused all my plants to be extremely tall and I didnt top. One plant outgrew the light which also happened to be the one with the most yield but it got ruined and it was just all fluffy bud with no trichs.


Well-Known Member
Any Hydro store should have Fox Farm Ocean Forest.

One thing on the bud harvest time. Wait till they look done. You will notice it when you see the buds change appearance and look tired, finished and full. Never seen a problem waiting an extra day or 3 days if the buds are questionable done. People almost ALWAYS harvest earlier then they should.....All that work for 85% development of full buds/flowers. Remember these are plants that simple gardening lessons work well with. Nothing special about an almost weed type plants. Not really a hard plant to grow vs. many other types garden plants.
too bad hydro stores are way overpriced ...or at least in my area. there a 100 dollars for 1.5 cubic feet. amazon is the way to go, only 20 bucks


Well-Known Member
well i'm nearly at the end of my first grow, and boy have i had some trouble ! for the first 5 weeks a was giving them way to much nutes then they was ment to have, then underwatering, and a lot of leafs dried up turned yellow and died.. im about a week from chopping and the yellow dead leafs still here but the buds managed to grow ok.. and still dont know what caused it!

but iv learnt a hell of a lot from this forum , as the saying does, Learn from ya mistakes :joint:

judging from your pic id wait longer than a week like at least 2 maybe 3. bt thts just me and its only 1 pic so i cnt say 4sure