What was for breakfast?


Active Member
I'm eating breakfast now (kinda late). I decided to come stay at my grandmother's last night and she fixed pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, hasbrowns, toast and rice. I love rice with breakfast, or with any meal!



Well-Known Member
I'm eating breakfast now (kinda late). I decided to come stay at my grandmother's last night and she fixed pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, hasbrowns, toast and rice. I love rice with breakfast, or with any meal!

Nice. Feck, I wish I had someone make me a breakfast like that. And I don't mean Cervelo the short order cook at the local Greek diner. Make sure you give your Gram's a big hug for that.


Well-Known Member
I sadly dont each breakfast or lunch, I only eat once a day and that consists of a box of a box of kraft dinner, dam bills, life can be really tough.


Well-Known Member
nothing yet but cold stuffed crust pizza hut soon lol. although for dinner the other night we had buttermilk waffles, eggs, bacon.....i love breakfast for dinner.


Well-Known Member
I never eat a real breakfast, just a few bowls or a joint or two, breakfast of champions alright!


Well-Known Member
Well today breakfast is Bowls and College Football:mrgreen:


Hitem with a stick
Hitem with a broom
Feckem up Feckem up
Boom Boom Boom

Gooooooooooooooooooo(insert favorite team here) lots of whooping and hollering and dumbass shite.

I feckin love college football. Watching it now on my screen Florida SC.