What type of floresent lighting is the best?


Active Member
So!!!! After all this time I FINALLY set up my own grow box and i think its prety nice but im still conserned about the lights. I have 2-27 watt floresnt lights they give off 1850 lumens each so i figured 3300 lumens for both. they light an area 23x20 inches that fit 9 small plant im doing the sea of green method so they wont get over 16 inches or less. :twisted::neutral:


Well-Known Member
Maybe look around here a bit. Should answer your question. I'm gonna go with some T-5's and 600W Hps digital . . . was gonna suggest T-5's to you, but then noticed your space limitations. At 3300, your in bloom lighting spectrum, I believe. I'd, at least, double what you already have. You want about 6500 for veg.
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Active Member
I think he means 3300 lumens not the spectrum but thats a good point - what spectrum are the lights youre using (/plan to use)


Well-Known Member
Grow T-5s 6500
Bloom T-5's 3000
Not sure on the HPs bulbs' spectrum, rated 95,000 lumins.