What to use as walls for grow room??


Well-Known Member
Hi, my room within a room is now built, W4' x L8' x H7.5'

Its all 2 by 4s and is a basically a 4x8 hydro table with the rest of the 'room' just nailed straight to it. Im trying to figure out what to use as walls that will reflect, keep air in, be easily accessible.

mylar? black/white poly? styrofoam panels?


stays relevant.
if you go to home depot in the insulation section you will see big ass rolls of reflective material similar to what you use in your car window to cockblock sun and heat.

you can staple that stuff to the wood, and then use aluminum tape to seal it off completely.


personally i like to buy the big sheets of 4x8 counter top laminate, comes in white, reflects RELAY well, stays ridged (i use 3/4) and is 100% moister proof wooo!!


Well-Known Member
Since your trying to keep light and air inside the room/box, I would use panda film, the white and black poly. It's easy to clean and light proof!