What to do with trim??


Active Member
I have a small amount of trim, I would like to try to make some hash using coldwater, is there any way to do this without spending alot of money on bubble bags?? Any help is greatly appreciated!


Active Member
could use the blender method of making hash, but it's a bitch. might as well just make cannabutter when you have enough, or run them through your grinder for the keef and make hash with saved up keef.


Well-Known Member
dry it and put in the freezer, then cook it with your butter for 3 to 4 hours, then strain it throught ''cheese cloth'' into a bowl,put foil or top on bowl place in freezer for 24 hrs, then seperate the brown from the green keep all green which is your butter, throw away the ''brown'' thats the exess watter.this is how i make my cannabutter and it puts my friends in a nother world


Active Member
Think im gonna make some butter, how much butter can I make?
Its crazy how there are so many helpful nice people there are on here. I think its a testament to cannabis use!


Well-Known Member
Tools needed:
Womens stocking, bag of ice and a coffee filter. Bucket or large pots.

Get a bucket and fill it with the ice and water.

Add your trim to the water. Don't break it up.

Use a baking mixer or drill/paint mixer. Mix for 10 minutes. Don't use a blender. The sharp blades of a blender will cut up the fiber small enough to get through the filter. The concept is to knock the glands off without disturbing the plant matter.

Filter everything through the womens nylon stocking. Squeeze all the water out. Throw away the wet leaf.

Let the green water sit in the fridge for a couple of hours or keep it iced. Make sure it is kept cold. You want to let all the resin glands fall to the bottom of the water. The cold temps keep the glands from rupturing.

Take a soup ladle and scoop out all the water. The resin glands will be at the bottom. Make sure you don't disturb them.

When you get down to the very bottom filter the rest of the water through the coffee filter.

Scrap the hash off of the coffee filter with a spoon and roll it into a ball. Take the ball and press it between two coffee filters and some towels. Press all the water out.

Take the hash out of the coffee filter and smoke it! mmmm good! You just made bubble hash!

I make mine out of fresh green trim. I put the trim in big zips and put them in the freezer for when I'm ready. The bubble hash from fresh is the best! Try it and you'll never make butter again.
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Well-Known Member
I know what you mean johndoe. I usually take it to dinner, say it has beautiful eyes, smoke a bomber with it and then YEEEHAAA


Well-Known Member
How do you make tincture?
not hard just takes time

go get yourself some of the highest alcohol content liquor like Bacardi 151 or if you can get Eveclear that works better as the higher the alcohol content the better.

Get a mason jar or some other air tight container and fill it up with your trim not packed but fill it up so that you can still fit the alcohol in the jar and do so. Let sit in a cool dark place for anywhere from a day to a week, then remove plant matter strain and it is ready.

The longer you let it sit, the stronger the Tincture will be both in THC content and taste of herb. So if you like a strong hemp flavor let it sit a long time if you don't then strain sooner, it is going to have that hemp taste one way or another. I am no expert and have only done this a few times, but I have let them sit for over a week both times, but I have also heard that you don't need to let it sit so long since THC is soluble in alcohol most of the exterior THC is mixed in pretty fast so the THC in the plant that takes a bit longer to come out will be accompanied with other stuff like chlorophyl which can give off a harsh taste.

Never thought of it before but maybe doing a quick water cure prior to this process might take some of that stuff out giving the Tincture a little better taste... maybe :confused:

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
do you normal ice water extraction. i had my wife sow me some bags. you can purchase the nylon mesh screen for less than $15.00 . Nylon 6/6 Screen Cloth Mesh | Filtration is were i get mine from. they come a minimum 3'x6'. Now what i did before she sowed the bags was mix in a 5 gallon bucket as normal, instead of doing it in the "work bag"(220 microns). So then you take a normal size spaggetti strainer, mine fits nicley in a 5 gallon bucket, place the 220 screen over it and pour the mix in it. then grab and twist all of the water out of it. Then repeat this proccess with the 190 to get all contaminets out. i then use the 165, 80 and 20. its not really any harder than the bubble bags, same material. if you want to have the mesh sown into bags you'll need this Cordura Nylon 1000 Denier from www.ahh.biz. Its much better than paying over 100 bucks for those bags