What to do when a MMJ comes in contact with the Law!


Active Member

No person has ever in the history of policing has been able to talk-their-way-out-of-arrest.

Only requirement in AZ when in contact with the Law - give full legal name. And obviously any lawful commands that the Law prescribes. If there is reason to identify one-self as a MMJ patient, then do so... But if the MMJ card does not satisfy the Law's reasonable suspicion, (i.e. how much cannabis do you have in the car? When was the last time you smoked?), the 5th is a reasonable means to end a destructive interrogatory investigation that which serves to be used against you and not for your defence. (I say - “Take me before the Justice of the Peace”) Thank Lionheart!
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Active Member
too many people fall victim to cops trying to befriend them, and the cop using it against them. law enforcement officers are not your friends. just sit there and say nothing and maybe youll get a nice nap and a hot(maybe) meal while youre waiting. haha

this guy had the right idea

No person has ever in the history of policing has been able to talk-their-way-out-of-arrest.

Only requirement in AZ when in contact with the Law - give full legal name. And obviously any lawful commands that the Law prescribes. If there is reason to identify one-self as a MMJ patient, then do so... But if the MMJ card does not satisfy the Law's reasonable suspicion, (i.e. how much cannabis do you have in the car? When was the last time you smoked?), the 5th is a reasonable means to end a destructive interrogatory investigation that which serves to be used against you and not for your defence. (I say - “Take me before the Justice of the Peace”) Thank Lionheart!


Well-Known Member
Remember, anything you say can AND WILL be used against you in a court of law. Never talk to the police. EVER.