What to do what to do??


Active Member
Hey guys im about five or six weeks into flowering and my plant is looking pretty sick. A few weeks ago i ran out AG nutes so I had to go awhile until i got my foxfarm nutes in the mail. Well, in the meantime the fan leaves got real yellow and haven't gotten any better since... in fact most of them or dead. I've been given it a bulbus of nutes but it isn't drinking much water. Should i just throw in the towel and take what i can get off of the thing???



Well-Known Member
That looks like a Sativa to me, so STOP giving them nutes now!

From my experience Sativa's can't take nutrients like Indica's. They have far less chlorophyl and therefore can't process all the nutrients that you have been giving them.

I see that you still have some single leaf bud leaves, so keep those but trim all those dead fan leaves. If you just continue to grow them with str8 water then I think you should be OK.

I have had the same problem and if it is a Sativa dominant strain then you need to "groom" and manicure the plant a lot more than you would an Indica.

I don't think it is dead but seriously, stop giving it nutes :)


Well-Known Member
hey if you take off all the leaves wouldnt it be like lollipopping in a SOG? question for downonwax