what to call my new puppy coming in a few weeks


Well-Known Member
i dont think you can name a pet without seeing it first .
Get to know him (?) for a few days first, and choose a name according to his personality, then do like you do for a child......
Go to your front door, lean out, and at the top of your lungs, yell the name for 15 minutes.
IF, at the end of that 15 minutes, you still like the name, then it's a good one.;-)
Sight unseen though, my suggestion would have to be 'Dammit'.
"Come here, Dammit"
"Dammit, look what you did!"
"Go get my pipe, Dammit"
"Stay out of my stash, Dammit"
"Dammit, nothing good on TV tonight"