What the top of a female plant looks like within 24hrs of showing sex


Well-Known Member
Sweeeeet! I'm glad you posted this thread, man. I actually was just about to start one but you seem like the guy to ask anyways.

I still have my plants in veg, this one has had about six weeks from seed but it had 2 weeks with conditions where it basically didn't grow at all, so it basically looks like a four week plant but is starting to alternate leaves where its a little older. At first I was thinking it was starting to show sex already (aren't they suppose to show sex a couple weeks into flower?) But now its looking like its just another part of the branch structure.

My kittens thought my plants were a toy and shredded a couple of the leaves. Anyways, so since the sex parts show up at bud sites, and buds start to develop up top first, I'm assuming that when they start showing sex, that's the first part that they show it? At the top of the plant?


Well-Known Member
After looking at the lower ones, they definitely look like leaves but I was really hoping it was the "V" for vagina. I don't guess they are pistils. I just didn't realize that the branch structure was like that on the plant; I thought you just got straight shoots out from the trunk, unless you topped at the end of a branch to get it to spread out.


I'm definitely no expert but the length of flowering to showing sex is all genetics though I like to think the right environments help too. I think they will always flower up top because that's where the bulk of the hormones are going. If you thumb through the threads in gen growing you'll find a lot of info on it.

It looks like your plant still maturing, I would think about a bigger pot too, a plant can only get so big according to pot size and they may need to reach a certain hight/growth size before kicking into flower.

Good luck man


Well-Known Member
OK, And Its Actually smaller than that, I plan on switching when my local store gets more smart pots ordered. I just switched into that two gallon bucket about a week ago, the roots still seemed to have several inches below then til they to the bottom, too.

Word, thanks for the info. This is my first grow so its the first chance I'm getting to see what the structure of the plant is like. So did you see what I was talking about on the branches that looked like little V's? Are those new branches forming I guess?


yeah those are new leaves and branches. I could be wrong but I think topping may set the plant back a little in terms of maturity as well


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm still experimenting with taking off certain lower branches on some, leaving them on others to see how it affects the growth. I've been practicing topping and fimming, too, but out of the like 6 that I dimmed only one worked so I went ahead and just topped them.

Problem is, I've topped like pretty much every single one (that's big enough to top) so its hard to tell how much it slows growth BC I don't have enough to compare it to.


You really shouldn't remove any leaves unless they're badly damaged. Think of your plant as a machine that runs on solar power and the leaves are solar panels, the more the better