What the Hell is This? Tiny Seeds???? (Pics)


Well-Known Member
I have gotten those weird bits in weed I bought before......not sure what the deal is with them. But, always grow to the end, seeds or not...............edibles and hash gotta come from somewhere! :D


Active Member
After doing some more research today and finding more of these things on different plants, i have learned that these little seed looking things are the female ovules, with the pistil sticking out. The pistil grabs the male pollen and feeds it into the ovule which in turn is the beginning of a seed. These are perfectly normal and as long as they aren't pollinated, will not cause any problems. Just wanted to share with you what I had found on this subject. Chop day in two days!
Thanks for this. I've been dealing with this with the last 4 quarters I've bought from different people. It has been driving me crazy. I was thinking it had to be some kind of insect infestation and I was spending a LONG time preparing each bowl. Going through with a razor and tweezers to get every last little speck out. Now that I know it's only that, I can smoke up feeling much better about it. Actually just took a good hit without sifting through every last bit for the first time in about a month.


Well-Known Member
What's going on everybody?

So I pulled a small bud off of my Skunk #1 Auto as a tester, I am about 5 days away from harvest and wanted to get a gauge of where I was at. Anyways, I did a quick dry on the bud last night and it ended up weighing like 1 gram. So I was picking it apart and noticed these tiny little dark black dots in the bud. And when I say tiny, I mean very small, probably the size of a pin head, and they were deep within the calyxes. I got about 6 or so out of this one bud. They looks like very tiny seeds, but I am 99.9% sure that I had no males or hermies in my crop. I will have to check especially hard tomorrow, but I have spent such a large amount of time with them I am pretty sure I would have seen any male flowers appear. I have not checked any more bud or any of the other girls, so I am not sure if this is a widespread problem or if it is contained to a single plant.

Anyways, here are some pics of what I just found, they are not the best pictures because they are so damn small, but it should give you guys an idea of what I am looking at. They are not white or hard at all, they are actually pretty soft and break up, not really in a specific shape, looks like black little crumbs or something. Really hope I did not just discover a massive problem, because the Skunks will be coming down in the next few days, but the three NL's in the room still have a good five weeks to go or so. These little black seed looking things seem to be hollow as well, there isn't a whole lot to them to be honest, just don't want to ruin my personal, which this grow is entirely. There is not much good bud in FL.

What do you guys think? Any and all help is greatly appreciated!!

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Should I go ahead and harvest now to prevent these from maturing any further? If that is indeed what they are is seeds from somewhere, but in all seriousness, I am almost positive I have not seen a single male flower this time around???

Anyone else have experience with this? How bad of shape am I really about to be in?
Those are seeds in the making. I'm almost sure. I would still let it finish out. The seeds aren't going to affect the smoke unless you refuse to remove them.
Then you have some seeds to play with in future grows. Can't get rid of them now. They will be easier to pick out once mature.
If not.. you will surely miss a few and smoke them.