What the hell is going on?


Active Member
So last night I found a hermie and tonight I find my leaves spotty and its pissing me off. With only 3 left I don't want to lose another one. So they are in a mix of happy frog and ocean Forrest and under a 600w hps. My best guess is a mag sufficiency or am I way off. I've never had any issues before now 2 in 2 days.


Mine had the same "yellowing" spots on the edges of the leaves, I added P and K last water and its stopped the yellowing significantly.


Well-Known Member
I had an issue with yellowing tops and yellowing spots...
I turned off the fan during the dark period and foliar fed with epsom salt at 1 tsp per gallon and cal mag at 1/2 tsp per gallon... ph'd to 6.4...

when the lights came back on I saw some improvement. I am still trying to find out exactly what my total problem is. But the foliar feed helped some flowering plants out.. overnight.

I think my strengths are kind of high. but it helped. It left a little residue on some leaves. I might clean that residue off soon and do it again.