What the distance should be ? 400w MH with cooltube

Prince Albert

Active Member
I have to shake my head at this. Silly stupid IMHO. If you don't try to grow thick strong healthy plants with proper spectrums and intensity during veg, you don't have the foundation for big healthy buds. All aspects of the grow are important to optimal output.
You're right.

I was reading over the posts and started to think how scientifically correct you and others can be.
Which is awesome for growers like myself. I've slowly over the years have become extremely
anal retentive with my grows.
When I look back at when I first got into growing.
There was no internet, very few books, and not a lot people to go to for advice.
Most of my knowledge in growing is through trial and error.
Plus I've spent sooo much money on growing it's become an obsession to be the best.

I used to teach people how to grow, and sometimes I would scare people out of wanting to grow
Because I would tell them all the things they would need like; excellent lighting, premium nutrients,
Co2, blah, blah, blah. Which I later learned that talking that way to nubies made me feel important but it
also took the fun out of growing for them, and later they would lose interest.

My post before may have been silly, but I was only trying to keep it fun :lol: