What size pot for 12/12 any tips?


Well-Known Member
Anxious to try this method of growing, but dont see a section on here with experienced 12/12 growers. I am assuming I can use any regular photo period seed, and a gallon pot, maybe 2 gallon? Do I do anything besides giving it a strict 12 hours light and dark from germination? I want it to grow into one main cola like in the 12/12 pics I see. Thats just how they grow natural right?


Well-Known Member
From my understanding it'll veg for a few weeks before it starts flowering. And the rule of thumb and whatnot with plants seems to be a gallon of soil/month. So just factor in the flowering time + a month. There's some pretty in depth 12/12 threads. I'm thinking one is actually "The 12/12 from seed thread" There's a few regular posters in there that really know their stuff when it comes to it.
I would personally go with a 3 gallon if I were to do it. Smartpots might be the way to go as well.


Well-Known Member
The pot size, even when growing 12/12 from seed is totally dependent on how tall you want the plants to get. I have grown many a plant in a 12/12 from seed situation and I have found that the bigger the pot the taller the plant will get. I have even done it from start to finish in solo cups and got great little lollypop plants. I would not go any larger that a 2 gallon, I think it is just a waste of medium unless your growing one of those 15 week sativa plants.