what should my humidity level be in my growing room??


Well-Known Member
I'm plan on growing in my closet so what should my humidity lvl be riight now its at 38%..if that's too low how could I brinng it up?? Thanks

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I try to keep it as close to 50% as I can.

If it's less than 35% or so, you might consider a humidifier.

In flower you wouldn't want to exceed 65 - 70% as the danger of mold increases from there.

Excellent air circulation is a must at higher humidities.


Well-Known Member
38% is fine...

Most people say between 30 and 50%...

Too high you can get mold...too low you can desiccate the plant.

My humidity jumps from 15% to 40% ( I live in a really dry climate ) but usually hangs around 30%.

You can either use open buckets of water placed in front of a fan...or buy a cool mist humidifier ( like I did ) to raise humidity

But you should be fine as is...increasing humidity in confined space can be tricky...so if it roughly stays at 38%..leave well enough alone.

It will probably increase anyway ( the humidity ) when you water your plants etc.

Even with my constant struggle to maintain decent humidity for my plants...they do well enough..really good in fact.