What should I do?


Well-Known Member
I purchased 3x clones and they all seem to be from good breeding, so I attempted to take clones using a cloning gel, and a bubble cloner with the discs/pucks/whatever-you-want-to-call-them so I didn't have to mess with hydroton or anything. Typically in the past I have used a bubble cloner with rapid rooters, however funds were a bit short and I didn't have the extra $15 at the time to purchase them. Anyways, I took 2x clones of each new clone that I purchased, and since I've always had 99% success on my clones I decided to flower the mother. I'm on day 24 now with these new baby clones and they are not showing any signs of roots, simply a dark discoloration with a bit o' slime. I bent one discolored stalk slightly and splintered and split length wise.. seems like decay.

The mother plants in flowering have been in for 24 days as well, however they were a bit too small to begin with and there's not much bud or stalks on the plants, however I might be able to take one more clone from each.. then it's rooting and revegging.. I suppose I really messed things up, lol. I figured that I'd grow my clones out more and just flower the mothers while they were smaller because I wanted to hurry things along.. that was a mistake.

I suppose what I am trying to get at is should I take another clone off my small 24 day flowering plants and try again? My plants in flower will be lucky to produce an ounce each at the most.. just hate to chop more off, however at the same time I'd really like these strains without paying $50/each and driving 3-4 hours to get them.. again. If I choose to take more clones, should I spend the $15 and get the rapid rooters? Or should I bite the bullet and pull one of strains completely out of flower for an entire reveg?


Well-Known Member
Yeah pull one plant out and revegging it would be the way I would go .. then you'll have plenty to clone..
The Do-Si-Dos (NorCal Cut) is the smallest in the flowering room, and it has two broken branches that have been garden wired back up to place since it was too close to everything else to tape properly. The trichome development is the best in the flowering room and the buds are the smallest, yet already appear to be more dense than other strains I have grown.

The Bubble Chem (Purplefrostbyte Cut) looks like it's more indica dominate, and the buds are swelling up quite a bit. The trichome development doesn't look the greatest at the moment, but then again it is only day 24 of 12/12.

I think I am more excited about the Do-Si-Dos, however I think the Bubble Chem might surprise me.. just don't know which one to pull out and reveg. I was considering trying to take another clone of the Bubble Chem since it has more, and then pull the Do-Si-Dos back into veg.. hope for the best? I waited to flower my last clone I purchased simply because it had a bit of trouble in the beginning, however now the Chem '91 is ready to be flowered.. I just don't have a rooted clone of this strain either and that's what is stopping me.


Should I just get some rapid rooters? I figure that I could cut a clone of the Bubble Chem before it continues flowering too much further, and I could take a clone of the Chem '91 before throwing it into the flowering room. I've always had much more success with clones than what I have been having these last couple of tries, but the only difference was using the rapid rooters.


Well-Known Member
If you feel more confident using rapid rooters then get some.. some plants don't clone real well.. the preflowered plants will have woodier stems and be a bit tougher to root but it can be done.. if you go and cut clones off of them you may want to scrape some of the outer tissue off of one side of the stem.. it will help them root easier and allow more of the rooting hormones to enter the stem..
Hey sorry to hop on your post. I am new and didnt see an area to upload a new thread. My friend had some questions about his OG Kush in reveg. The reveg was unintentional but he didnt have his oxycloner until about 5 days into the 12/12 cycle. No pistil growth at all but some lower branches normally that would be tossed during defoliation he made clones with. Now through a few weeks of veg after rooted and transplanted the new ones are growing oddly. They are on a 20/4 light cycle at the moment. The pH is on point and food regime is tried and tested. Also this morning noticed trichomes on some of the fan leaves. He is concerned they wont rebound growing nornal 7+ branch fan leaves versus the current bushy 2,3 and even single leaf. Any and all information is appreciated. I have included photos. Thanks for your time.Screenshot_20180603-110507_Gallery.jpg Screenshot_20180603-110458_Gallery.jpg Screenshot_20180603-110507_Gallery.jpg Screenshot_20180603-110458_Gallery.jpg Screenshot_20180603-110507_Gallery.jpg Screenshot_20180603-110458_Gallery.jpg