What should i do about canopy

I have been to my spot this year and im encountering a problem. My spot that i chose is completely covered by a thick forest canopy ( im not a good climber so climbing up and removing tree limbs isnt going to happen)

Would my plants still grow without any kind of real direct sunlight, or should i order auto's off the net?

Also, I found a few places the are close to people but would get tons of light, sunrise to sunset direct light but the 2 things i have with that are,

Its on a rock face, cliff type area, There is soil but im not sure how deep it goes before hitting rock.

Also, Its right by people and popular trails, Do you think it could be blended in and made to work, or even, what would you more experienced growers do in this situation?

This is my first grow ever, I plan on germinating, starting in a cup full of perlite/soil then transplanting in 2-3 weeks to their final homes, Just need some advice, thanks


Active Member
Find a different spot. Indirect makes fluffy buds and the spot doesn't sound that great anyways


Well-Known Member
Depending on How dense, you can still get a good crop. I know a fellow who plants between his apple trees on his orchard, they don't make a very dense covering, so the amount of direct sunlight that hits them throughout the day ends up being about as much as if you had half of your direct sunlight blocked, which a lot of people can't avoid. Mostly, I recommend finding a new spot. If you do plan to plant near trails, make sure you're at Least 50 to 100 yards away from each trail, and make it so You don't even want to go through the amount of thornbushes and brush you have to go through to get to the plants. I plant where there is hunting, and even They do not go near my plots. Not to mention I scare away all the deer. Good luck, keep searchin'.


sounds like a really bad spot. you needa go somewhere that noone is going to want to go never mind just stumble upon it


Well-Known Member
If you're not completely exhausted and thinking why the hell have i hiked through all this crazy shit the first time you visit your plot, it's not safe enough. For instance i'm so confident in my plot from last year that i'd be willing to pint it out on a map and still be confident that even if someone had the gumption to try and find it they'd get about halfway there and say.. it's not worth it. Plus on top of that if they are determined enough to make it to the general area they will walk right past it if they dont know the specific land marks as I do, even I walk right past my full grown plants scratching my head like... did i go to far, not for enough? So the harder it is for you to get there the more impossible it makes it for anyone else.
About growing on a cliff side with limited soil. Use a grow bag. Chances are if there isnt any tall vegetation on the 'cliff ' there isnt enough soil for cannabis. I had the same scenario last year growing on a shale cliif face, just use a grow bag since its much lighter than a pot and then camouflage it with whatevers lying around. The biggest draw back to that is lack of water. You will have to water a plant in full sun in a gro bag twice as often as one in the ground. Good luck either way.