What other countries besides the US here?


Well-Known Member
Just curious. And whats your home country's attitude toward weed? US is getting more progressive. A recreational marijuana is on the ballot in WA state this Nov. Many states have med legal laws now.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Its still still frowned upon in the uk. Tho i think were on a 3 strike aystem for possion.
But if ur caught with it in deal bags (even if u only have a couple of grams) u could be charged with intent to supply.
Growing is i think pretty much the same in the laws eyes weather its personal or a big ass farm lol.

(if im wrong and any1 want to correct me feel free)


New Zealand
Big charges for dealing
Alot less for growing and small possesion
Better attitude towards it though


Well-Known Member
All places are here. From slap on the wrist US to life in china. The stronger the charge the less you know where they are.