What movie are u watching whilst high?


Well-Known Member
Pineapple Express was great! I watched it in Puerto Rico!!! I love that movie! It's got everything, if u like action, if u like gore, if u like comedy, if you like a good plot, and if u like alotta weed smokin....it's there. I wonder if there is a weed called pineapple express? Sounds delicious!!! Iron Man rocks yo, everyone told me to see it in theatres but I never did even though I'm a comic book nerd.....DC not Marvel! RobertDowney Jr. is a beast, and watching him in Tropic Thunder was great too.


Well-Known Member
Pineapple Express was great! I watched it in Puerto Rico!!! I love that movie! It's got everything, if u like action, if u like gore, if u like comedy, if you like a good plot, and if u like alotta weed smokin....it's there. I wonder if there is a weed called pineapple express? Sounds delicious!!! Iron Man rocks yo, everyone told me to see it in theatres but I never did even though I'm a comic book nerd.....DC not Marvel! RobertDowney Jr. is a beast, and watching him in Tropic Thunder was great too.

i heard that there actually was but i'm not sure if it was before or after the movie hah.. yeah see i'm okay with movies like that because when i was younger my dad was a total dork and made me see all those marvel comic movies. ugh. but maybe thats why it doesn't bug meh.


Well-Known Member
Lol! Yeah, I hit my second comic book phase last year! Now I spend all my dayum money on that shit again....that's bud money I could be savin damn it!


Well-Known Member
Lol! Yeah, I hit my second comic book phase last year! Now I spend all my dayum money on that shit again....that's bud money I could be savin damn it!

aww you like comics? hah. the only comics i read are the old school archie comics hahaha


Well-Known Member
Archie, lol! That's great! I'm a Batman fan, or any vertigo. Check out Y:The Last Man.....It's amazing! It's about if every man in the world or any creature with a Y chromosome, what would happen if they all just suddenly died. Women are alone to fend for themselves, and they make these lesbo gangs and shit. There is only one man left, an escape artist named Yorick, and his pet monkey who is the only living male animal that is not human. It's a great mystery, good comic man. Steven Spielberg or the director of Disturbia might be the director of the movie, but it's already known that Yorick is going to be played by Shia Lebouf. Which is either cool, or gay, because they might make it PG-13 when the comic books are so dayum graphic.


Well-Known Member
Archie, lol! That's great! I'm a Batman fan, or any vertigo. Check out Y:The Last Man.....It's amazing! It's about if every man in the world or any creature with a Y chromosome, what would happen if they all just suddenly died. Women are alone to fend for themselves, and they make these lesbo gangs and shit. There is only one man left, an escape artist named Yorick, and his pet monkey who is the only living male animal that is not human. It's a great mystery, good comic man. Steven Spielberg or the director of Disturbia might be the director of the movie, but it's already known that Yorick is going to be played by Shia Lebouf. Which is either cool, or gay, because they might make it PG-13 when the comic books are so dayum graphic.
actually i love the early early 90's batman on saturday mornings, i miss that show haha. oooh i love disturbia, thats a good movie. as for that you were talking about, is that a movie? i don't read comics, but i would watch it as a movie lol.


Well-Known Member
yeah, it's a comic series that came out in 2002, but it is gonna be a film, it's gonna be a real big movie, it's either comin out in late 09 or 2010, great day to be alive, i was outta comics for the longest time until i bout the Y:The Last Man graphic novel vol. 1 and i read it in an hour, there is 10 volumes and i'm on 6 now, i'm tellin u, if u stroll through the book store, check it out, it's cool to read after blowin a joint too, i couldn't put this book down, and then i started wastin my weed money on comics again


Well-Known Member
anyone ever see The Wackness? thats probably one of the best weed movies ive ever seen. i dont think its in theatres now but it comes out on dvd in november maybe?


Well-Known Member
yeah, it's a comic series that came out in 2002, but it is gonna be a film, it's gonna be a real big movie, it's either comin out in late 09 or 2010, great day to be alive, i was outta comics for the longest time until i bout the Y:The Last Man graphic novel vol. 1 and i read it in an hour, there is 10 volumes and i'm on 6 now, i'm tellin u, if u stroll through the book store, check it out, it's cool to read after blowin a joint too, i couldn't put this book down, and then i started wastin my weed money on comics again

lol maybe i'll be nice and get them for my dad :mrgreen: and maybe i'll read a page or two.


Well-Known Member
lol, man, i am stoned watching iron man and drinkin some aluinum bottle bud lites and life is good


Well-Known Member
I watched the passion of the christ with my parents while I was high out my fucking mind...it freaked me out.


Well-Known Member
lol, i'm sure, i have that movie too, man, was it just me or was apocalypto one of the best movies ever!!!


Well-Known Member
lol, man, i am stoned watching iron man and drinkin some aluinum bottle bud lites and life is good

i want some beer. shit i haven't drank in... like 3 months. Its like, hi my name is alie, i haven't had a drink in 3 months

wtf jeez its not even my fault im alcohol sober. =[ im feignin now lol

i still didn't watch iron man, i will today though, let you know what i think:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I drink and smoke everynight. I've been doin that for a yr and a half, couldn't see life ne other way, lol! Yea man, chec it out, lemme know!


Well-Known Member
I drink and smoke everynight. I've been doin that for a yr and a half, couldn't see life ne other way, lol! Yea man, chec it out, lemme know!

haha i didn't really think about it now. now i'm pissed. i drank like everyday last year. i have only drank 3 times this year WTF! lol its been so busy. i used to drink uv blue with koolaid. yummm.