What Lighting Is Best For Vegging?


Well-Known Member
Right now I have a 175w MH in my veg. room. and a 400w HPS in my flowering rm.
What would be better for vegging, 175w MH or a 150 HPS?


Well-Known Member
you want about 2000-3000 lumens a sq ft in veg.. and 5000 lumens a sq ft in flower... SO take the amount of lumens that 175 watt MH produces and divide by 12. Im guessing it puts out about 14,000 lumens ( you can verify this online for your specific bulb) .. divided by 12sq ft = 1,166 lumens a sq ft. I would say that light is good for a 2x2 - 2x3 area max for veg. So once your plants take up more space then that .. add more lighting .. or if you run both the 175 and 150 .. you will have more then enough. The biggest problem you get when there is not enough light in veg is .. slow growth and Stretched plants. Both are not very desirable.. Hope this helps


Active Member
i just posted a thread regarding the same kinda question...do u guys think its better to mix both kinds of light during veg and then switch the one out for flower to hps , or better just running both hps the whole way threw, im getting the set up today


Well-Known Member
depends what lights you have..?? A 60/40 mix of light .. 60 percent being hps and 40 percent blue spectrum .. is actually REALLY good for the plants.. but most people go straight hps. whats the setup?