what kind of weed is this?


Active Member
I was dozed when I wrote this thread I guess it was a retarted ? Lol it does look like a crushed coconut but it didn't taste like one at all the high is europhic it doesn't make u cough it. Hits smooth it had a resin taste it didn't smell until I broke it up it was sticky and it smelly but I couldn't put my finger on the smell it will haunt me for years to come O and it doesn't leave you with cotton mouth and the taste in ur mouth isn't bad but ur breath still smells shit peace

This has been an official greenthumb213 smoke report


Active Member
I was dozed when I wrote this thread I guess it was a retarted ? Lol it does look like a crushed coconut but it didn't taste like one at all the high is europhic it doesn't make u cough it. Hits smooth it had a resin taste it didn't smell until I broke it up it was sticky and it smelly but I couldn't put my finger on the smell it will haunt me for years to come O and it doesn't leave you with cotton mouth and the taste in ur mouth isn't bad but ur breath still smells shit peace

This has been an official greenthumb213 smoke report:shock::shock:bongsmiliebongsmilie


just a guess. looks like some kind of central/south american sativa maybe crossed to something else. looks weird for sure


Well-Known Member
it could be some jamaican red hair.I had some like that before but the hairs were alot brighter and you could see the green in the bud alot more.The people who grew it probably fucked up drying it.


Active Member
Ya it wasn't the worst but it wasn't the greatest either lol it was a sativa high but it didn't last long. There was more hairs than crystals it was a fukin jungle lol