What kind of soil should I be using?


Active Member
Ok, my plant is only 4 days old and its in a small flower pot. I am using some HOME depot top soil.
When my plant grows a tad more bigger im going to be transferring her to a bigger flower pot!
What is some great soil that I can use?
The only garden center I have next to me is HOME depot!
Anyone have any great advice?


Well-Known Member
Yeah ocean forest is great, you can use it through her whole life. Kind of dissapointing how hard it is to find anything without sphagnum peat moss in it, throws off the ph.


Active Member
Awesome guys. Thanks a ton. There is actually a place by me that sells Fox farm Ocean Forest soil. Yippy. Don't have to order it. thanks BONGMAN and ESTEBAN!!!!!
If anyone else has other opinions please let me know!