what kind of burns are these

just placed clones under flower 3 days ago, vedged 10 days prior. using botanicare pure blend pro, ppm is at 1000, using 2 1000k hps air cooled and co2, not heat stress temps are perfect rh perfect started showing burns day 2 and progressing, watering ebb and flow once per hour, purpling of stems and overall pale light green growth compared to my vedging mother plant. heres some pictures to help diagnose. the right leaf in the comparison picture is from an affected plant and the left is off the mother



Active Member
Looks like it could be the beginning of a Potassium deficiency. You're not still using veg nutrients are you?


Active Member
Nute burns aren't usually a uniform color like that. I'm still saying a possible potassium deficiency, but I'm still pretty new to growing myself.
ya im using cal mag and all the other additives botanicare provides and i agree that it looks more like a difciency then a burn but ive only been growing for about 3 years and im open to any advice keep m coming guys


Looks like in pic 1 and 2 you have Heat Stress going on.
Don't panick -just back off the lights alittle and put a fan over the plants in between the light and the canopy of the plants
Also, check the room temps!!!!!
They should recover nicely:lol: