What justifies US intervention?


Well-Known Member
I get it, some insane dictator like Hitler is trying to take over Europe.. OK, US intervention is probably warranted.. but what justifies a US intervention into a foreign country today? What is the standard international governments should abide by? Hey, this guy is treating his people like shit. OK, does that warrant a military intervention? Hey, this guy is enslaving his people!... Yeah, that probably does warrant intervention.. Hey, this guy is starving his people, but he's selling us oil at such a low price!!!!... Yeah, that warrants intervention, except our government benefits from it, sooooo?

OK, So we've established countries that violate human rights definitely deserved to be intervened in... I mean, except if they give us shit.. though... How are we going to intervene in those countries if they're giving us shit? ... They're not going to give us shit anymore if we tell them to cut the shit out...

So... I guess we'll just keep taking the shit they're giving us and sweep whatever they're doing under the rug?... OK, fuck it..

But we're still the moral arbiter, right?


Well-Known Member
I get it, some insane dictator like Hitler is trying to take over Europe.. OK, US intervention is probably warranted.. but what justifies a US intervention into a foreign country today? What is the standard international governments should abide by? Hey, this guy is treating his people like shit. OK, does that warrant a military intervention? Hey, this guy is enslaving his people!... Yeah, that probably does warrant intervention.. Hey, this guy is starving his people, but he's selling us oil at such a low price!!!!... Yeah, that warrants intervention, except our government benefits from it, sooooo?

OK, So we've established countries that violate human rights definitely deserved to be intervened in... I mean, except if they give us shit.. though... How are we going to intervene in those countries if they're giving us shit? ... They're not going to give us shit anymore if we tell them to cut the shit out...

So... I guess we'll just keep taking the shit they're giving us and sweep whatever they're doing under the rug?... OK, fuck it..

But we're still the moral arbiter, right?
What justifies making us read retarded green text?

MMJ Dreaming 99

Well-Known Member
Why do the American people eat this up as nationalistic, patriotic, us against them sort of shit?

Why don't most Americans see it for what it actually is? Foreign conquest/empire building?
A famous Marine general, Smedley Butler said that war was a racket aka scam or business,

He said he was essentially a thug or enforcer for major corporations - this was back in the 1920s. Eisenhower warned us. Ironically he should have warned JFK. JFK was killed because he wanted to break up the CIA and Fed Reserve and also wanted to stop ant Vietnam War. Look back in history and you will see a Bush behind WW2, Vietnam, Gulf War 1 and 2 and Afghan. The Clintons and Obama are the Bushes buddies. Poppy Bush and Bill ran CIA drugs thru Mena, Ark.

The Vietnam War was the CIA muscling in on France's opium/heroin business in Indochina. The CIA backed the Viet Monh which helped beat France. They morphed into the Viet Cong. Just like how Al Qeada morphed into ISIS. All CIA/State Dept creations.

Wars are started by bankers and elites. All of them. Hitler was bankrolled by American industrialists and bankers including Prescott Bush. Ditto the murderous Bolsheviks.

Dave McGowan nailed a lot of stuff and was possibly cancered because he died recently. He nailed all the stuff about CIA's MK Ultra and also how the hippie movement was created to discredit the anti war movement which was clean cut before the hippies.

Also the CIA's hippie movement created the drug culture - creating a market for Indochina drugs being brought back thru air force bases and it goes on today. The CIA runs Afghan heroin opium biz. Heroin has exploded in the USA. It is also used to destabilize Russia. War is a business that makes money off of mass murder.
