What is wrong with this?? (Kosher Kush Seedling)


Hey guys!

2 out of 6 of the kosher kush (one pack) seeds popped. One is healthy, and was transplanted last week. This one, on the other hand, is really lacking in both speed of growth, and overall look to the seedling. Anybody have any ideas?


Here is the healthy one for comparison.


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!!!


Well-Known Member
I would guess your soil structure is not very good just from the looks of it. Obviously just watered so I would be curious what they look like when soil dries a bit. I'm guessing they will still have an over watered look. Really no good reason to be soaking your plants when you water, it will just increase the risk of damping off. If you could comment on your soil mix that would help.


Well-Known Member
Yea, what's the soil, how's the drainage, lights, I never spray or make sure no water falls on my plants, it's can cause damping off or rot as bugeye said.



Soil = Standard tomato soil. €9 / 40L.
lights = about 300w of CFL for veg.
nutes = hesi soil box


20140925_062152.jpg 20140925_062200.jpg

Thanks guys!


Oh, and on another note, I wrote DNA Genetics, and they were quite quick to respond. They sent me a questionnaire with 10 questions, and I replied with everything that they wanted to know. This morning I received an email that they were sending me a new pack of feminized Kosher Kush seeds, free of charge. I think that was quite nice of them.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and on another note, I wrote DNA Genetics, and they were quite quick to respond. They sent me a questionnaire with 10 questions, and I replied with everything that they wanted to know. This morning I received an email that they were sending me a new pack of feminized Kosher Kush seeds, free of charge. I think that was quite nice of them.
Because they sent you lettuce the first time lol


Well-Known Member
use the weight of the container as a good indication as to when you need to water..generally when they need to be watered the container will be light...after a little while you will be able to tell the difference but they do not like to be constantly watered..general rule of thumb is every 3 days but even less when they are so young.