What is wrong with these leaves??


New Member
Hello growheads--
I am a first time grower that was gifted some sprouts from a friend about a month ago. I've been taking care of them and it's been going pretty well (I think), but I've been noticing this weird speckling going on on some of the lower leaves. I'm attaching pics. I've looked at a ton of pics online of potential problems and none of them seem to resemble what I've got going on exactly so I figured maybe some of you more experienced growers could help?
Thank you so much for helping a newbie out!!

G Bear

Well-Known Member
Looks like thrip damage and perhaps leaf miner? Google those while waiting for advice from people with more experience. Im not much help.


Well-Known Member
Pests probably. Maybe spider mites? I would get a magnifier to those leaves. Noob advice so fwiw, but from reading that’s my best guess.