what is this?


Well-Known Member
as long as you can see white hairs starting to come out no worries, if it looks like its gona form seeds take a sharp razor cut it off ide wate a few to see if it does get those white hairs comeing out , female


Well-Known Member

Those are partial male flowers or "nanners" You've got yourself a hermaphrodite!

"White hairs" or not, those things are going to open and pollinate any female in the vicinity. You are going to end up with seeded bud.

Pluck them off carefully so they dont open and get the out of there. Keep a close eye on that plant and remove anymore that show up. If they are coming too fast to keep up with, get rid of that plant. Its not worth ruining your whole crop.

And make sure you always get a second opinion! ;)



So I found nanners on another plant and decided to take them all a little early. Leaving town for a week and didn't want to worry about them taking over the rest of the crop. I'm thinking it was due to my lighting screw up a month ago. Oh we'll, still got a pile of great smelling stuff.