What is this on my bud is it a web?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys can anyone tell me what this is or if it's normal? It's only on one bud and when I touched it it seems like loads of trics together. Tbh my first look it looked like a web? But closer inspection it isn't. Or I hope not.
I'm scared



Well-Known Member
Your humidity is too high or you don't have enough airflow or both. Cut that bud off and throw it away. Look for more mold and do the same.
It's ready for harvest now should I just chop it now?
Would being so warm at day then cold at night cause that?


Well-Known Member
Yea like it was stated above you need to keep humidity levels down in your grow. You can't just remove mold (Powdery mildew) since the spores would be all over any area its in. I would check it all and throw away anything with mold you really don't want to get sick over something like this.


Well-Known Member
you can recover it and smoke it. but be very careful when you cure it. because you can get another kind of mold when curing as well, and that would be worst. i got one harvest with this "mold" in flowering. cleaning it and fixing humidity made it not to re-surface again.

this one in flowering stage is not really a mold, but a saprophitic fungus growing of dead plant matter (even the red pistils) due to the high humidity. also after harvest dry the plant very well. 1 week at least with good ventilation on nearby.

if you get mold in curing however you cannot recover it unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Yea like it was stated above you need to keep humidity levels down in your grow. You can't just remove mold (Powdery mildew) since the spores would be all over any area its in. I would check it all and throw away anything with mold you really don't want to get sick over something like this.
powdery mildew is not a mold. is a plant pathogen. mold don't cause damage per se, but if it is on your cured buds it lowers the quality a lot (to the point of throwing them to the garbage :D)

Colo MMJ

Well-Known Member
It is a tiny tiny bit,I just removed it carefully not bud the mold it's ready for harvest should I chop it?
Go to wal mart, Lowes or HD and get a cheap humidity and temp gauge for $4 to 9. The good one is $9. Tell us what the humidity is.