What is this bug?


Active Member
Can anyone identify this bug and what to use to get rid of thenm, there are quite afew of them on some of my plants, they dont appear to be doing any damage to leaves etc, location: New Zealand, indoor growing.



Well-Known Member
looks like spider mite. ive never had to fight spidermites if thts what they are.... i think neem oil works and im sure there tons of commercial things you can use that are safe like for fruits and veges so youll be safe if you get one of those. heres a link about taking them down Spider mites



Well-Known Member
Its not a spider mite. I can say that much. It's a mite though, a ground mite.

i'm currently enrolled @ OSU. Doing reseaerch on Mite and Springtail poop. They may be a pest, but the research im conducting is related with 2 specific species that have been invading the northwest forests. Our research is finding groundbreaking materials, mainly how mites and springtails are responsible for most of the nutrient replenishment in the forest. Their poop comes out in liquid nitrogen form, currently working to find if it comes in a uric acid (bird poop) or in a more complex liquid concentrate.

Many people dislike the mites but i happen to like them.

Also i know its not a spider mite, but its solid colors, its leg placement, and its very distinct horns.

That could be a weevil sir, an small green weevil. There are many kinds of weevils, all in different colors and sizes. If you live next to any kind of farm withing a few miles, or a grain mill thats your best bet.