What is the best way to germinate seed


I very new to this and im very excited to start growing but im going in raw and blind and I dont have a clue any tips or suggestions would be great thanks a lot folks

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New Member
I like to put them in water in a dark place for 3-5 days, cause that'll allow you to see the ones that aren't going to germinate and you should take them out of the water and plant them when you see a small white root, but as this guy mentioned above there's many different ways to germinate cannabis seeds.


Well-Known Member
dont put them in water that long!!!!!!!, that is called the shot glass method, you place your seeds in luke warm water and they will float, leave in a dark warm place and wait between 12-24 hours, if they havnt sunk already push them down firmly and if they sink to the bottom they are good to go, then you can pop them straight into soil, but what i like to do is when they sink, transfer to paper towl method, keep nice and warm then when there is the tinyest little shoot pop them in soil, keeping the seeds in water too long will drown them, or you can listen to hog budd, he really really knows what he is talking about and he has taught me a few things, whats your set up ?


Yeah I put mine seeds in a shot glass of water as well, but I like to use Ro water or distilled water , sometime the chlorine can hurt the seeds.I like to put them in pod rooters after they fall to the bottom. Then on a heat pad cover dome and have my cfl ready to turn on as soon they pop open.So they are in the dark until then. :cool:


Active Member
Necessitys are moisture and warmth. Darkness is a huge plus but not a must I've done it with a shot glass on my hood an they did just fine. Get some root cubes (I turn them upside down so they stand alone) get them wet but not soaking wet(give it a little squeeze) slap your seed in it( using a clean razor blade and very gently shaving/scratching one side very lightly is my new thing, not a bad seed since but could just be luck). If your low on bucks get a plastic bottle cut in half(horizontal) place cube inside bottom, put a very tiny slit it the top the relieve any pressure build up so the top doesn't pop and vent the container and slap that thing over. They don't need direct light but a close up nice little t5 I feels does more good then harm.