what is happening? bottom leaves dying, tips burning, premature flowering

[/url][/IMG]I have a few plants that were given to me by a friend of a friend. Unfortunately I don't know anything about these plants past history. How old they are (guessing 2-3 weeks), what type they are (guessing mostly sativa, although they definitely suffered stretching), their light cycle, if they had any nutes in the past.

So I got them a week ago, 2 were pretty scraggly, one was tall(stretched) but looked healthy, with only a little yellow in the center of one first leaf. My nutrients say to add 1-2 tsp of each (n,p,k) per gallon of water. I added 2 tsp n,p,k to 4 gallons of water. Unfortunately it seems that they never received nutes. Before and got a little burned. I have cut this in half yesterday, with no noticeable improvements yet. PH is between 5.5 and 6.5

The plants have done well the last week, no signs of the plants worsening, some definite growth bit they seem to be very sparse still. My best plant started flowering 7 days ago, even though its been on a 24/7 light cycle watered 3 times per day. Its still pretty early in the vegetative stage, I can't even clone yet but its flowering, beautiful, white haired, very skunky smelling buds. Any ideas what is going on? I have contemplated bringing the nitrogen up to about half the recommended value as opposed to the ¼ its at now. Bit the leaf tip burning makes me think its sensitive to nutes.

Should I cut off the dying leaves, switch my light to 12/12 and just accept this flowering? It isn't slowing down. Quiet remarkable watching the little buds form on such a tiny plant.

I plan on upgrading to ebb and flow soon, with a 600 Watt MH light and squirrel fan for ventilation in the next month or so.

Currently I have 4, 4' long flourescent gro-lux tubes around the plants, about 3" away, as well as 2 100 Watt cfls. And a fan blowing to strengthen plant


Well-Known Member
I'm feeling lazy tonight so yes i'm an asshole and didn't read what you wrote but I have a question. Have you fed them anything?
When I got the plants, 7 days ago I didn't know how old they were. I assumed 1 to 2 weeks as most were still less than 6" tall and small leaves (suffered stretching) so I figured it was too early to really feed them. My n,p,k nutrients say to add 1-2 tsp of each per gallon of water. I have a 4 gallon reservoir so I used 2tsp of each nutrient for 1 week. I have cut the nutrients to 1.25ml of each in my four gallon reservoir.