What is a roach?


New Member
I guess I've never thought to use one because I don't need one... As long as you roll the j with a good smoking end and don't fish lip it then it's still a perfect smoke... I roll most of my joints very small anyway so there's no herb in the end to smoke anyway.. But there have been desperate times where I smoke the paper hoping to salvage any resin or crumbs of herb that might be in it. lol


Active Member
Well..to me.. a roach is the end of a blunt that has herb in it, but you can't smoke it without you burning u'rself so then you let it go out and save it to put in another blunt or my personal fav... smoking leftover roachs in bowls... or you save a bunch of roaches of diff. types of weed and then rolling a master blunt. yeah! lol


Well-Known Member
I usually just call the crutch/filter a spliff. I've never heard it called anything else.


Well-Known Member
Spliff is another name for a joint. I don't use grinders I use my hands just some blunts poop and some don't I just throwna filter in cause I'd rather not get blunt poop on my fingers or mouth. But for joints I don't use them no need my joints never poop.


Well-Known Member
to me a roach is the end of a joint that is to small to smoke so i put the end in my pipe and hit it till its gone, kick it out, wa la! done, no more roach.;)