what is a dab?


Well-Known Member
So dabs are expensive then? I have access to plenty, enough for my head if I wanted, of course I'm not fond of it and my buddy is all about it.


Well-Known Member
I love dabs and watching it be made, my friend in Cali is awesome at making all types of oil, can't wait to take a dab again someday ;). Gonna get a health stone bong and it will be pink ;)


Active Member
Most concetrate bowls and attachments are incredibly fragile, even in the realm of glass on glass.

I don't make the wax anymore, but I have some schematics for DIY extractors I conjured up when I was on a lowes binge. I still use one of the schematics to make hookah handles (incognito extractor for sure)

We mostly made wax with clippings from some larger grows, and shake off bigger bags. This was a different time in my life, back when I saw 20-30gs of shake and considered it waste, so we extracted it.

What's funny is the wax turns out a golden green yellow, and it almost appears metallic when it's harder. compare it visually to the wax you would use to seal an oldschool parchment with a stamp seal.

The impact is instantaneous. and usually after about 3-4 dabs my night would blend into obscurity. Watched alot of Mad Men, killed everything on netflix in about 2 days with a little over 4g of waxed smoked by myself.

Alternatively we decided in the end of our dab phase that we were tired of breaking glass blowls and downstems, and even in one case, an entire water pipe (over 600 bucks in glass in one fell swoop) and we innovated.

We went out and bought a brand new 30 dolalr soldering iron and had a local glass blower take a glass tube (used for blowing small pipes) and just cut it down to 12 inches and smoothed the edges.

We just put it down by the wax on a little glass dish and reverse dabbed the soldering iron into the wax while inhaling on the straw. Worked wonders.

Someone might be able to tell me if there is something unsafe about that, but it defintely did not have any solder on it. It was brand new. Tasted great too.


Active Member
With a decent size plant that frosted well you can make realistically like 2 - 3 gs of wax off the clippings if you save them and extract them quickly.


Pickle Queen

I filmed this:)


Well-Known Member
Extreme wax gauntlet my ass.


Well-Known Member
Naw it's awesome and gets you super stoned once you get used to using the equipment hehe ;)
I took a crack pipe with a bend in it and stuck it in the stem hole of a large glass bong.
Works good enough but I have to admit I would like a dedicated rig. I just have a hard time
shelling out that kind of bucks for something that I would only use once in a blue moon.
But I do see the appeal. I`m afraid to get too interested in glass. I have an addictive personality or a lack of self control, depends on who you ask.


Well-Known Member
It is so much of a waste without the proper equipment sweetheart, I def learned the hardway, once you get setup proper, you take one hit of wax it is like smoking 3 bowls ;) very medicating !

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i've only seen bho twice around here, and it's as if no one has even heard of the stuff. i stocked up each time, but i can't justify buying all that fancy smoking crap for such a rare treat. i would stick a few blobs on top of a dense bowlpack and it would just melt down onto the bud and it made the bowl last forever. i did get to vape some of it in a vape pipe at the dealer's place, which was nice, but i have yet to use one of those snazzy dab contraptions.


Well-Known Member
Eh...not terribly impressed so far. maybe once you get the content on your site, and it's not just the homepage with an ad for overpriced dabbing tools playing.