what i will do with my fresh seeds

my problem is that i have a vree fresh seeds witch are just 1 month old. and they was notr want to germinate with any way my question is if thees seeds must to pass tru a winter period to they germinate. and if so if it can be to let them in the freez and how much to let them. or just to save them in my closet antill the next season . please guys help me cause i realy dont know what to do


Well-Known Member
umm, make sure they don't snap apart when you squeeze them in your fingers.. If they do, they are bad.
Also, let them dry a few days in a dry place... Try a few in the fridge for a week...

Then test them again.


Active Member
problem with keeping them cold is that, they get soft after time in the fridge or freezer, making them less likely to germ come the next season. If I were you Id do what you suggested, stick them in some paper at room temp, they should dry out and then you can keep them somewhere dark and dry until you need them. As far as im aware there is no special technique used by the seed companies, they simply dry store them until packaged and then keep them in a cool dark place.
spell check is pretty handy you know ;)
take it easy, cannachameleon