what i want in a bf


i don't know..haha i think i'm lowkey ugly. also i don't meet a lot of guys, idk how to really. i was in a relationship from the age of 13-20 so i'm retarded at men


Well-Known Member
someone who will smoke with me, play video games with me, go on late night adventures with me, who loves sex just as much as i do---i'm not talking someone who likes to have quick sex and call it a wrap. i want a guy who will spend an hour on foreplay if i feel like it.

i want someone who i can laugh for hours with

someone who appreciates me for me

what sucks the most is i have a best guy friend who has all the qualities i'm looking for--except i don't know about the sex stuff because we've never had sex---but he's told me he finds me beautiful (i don't think he actually does though, i have really low self esteem), we can spend all of our free time together and never get sick of each other. we always have fun.
i told him i liked him and he said he doesn't ever see us dating..that we're too good of friends.

i feel like i'm never going to find someone i get along so well with. and we spend most of time together still.
and it sucks cause i feel like it's just the way i look
what do you look for in a s/o ?
I think we need to see a picture of you!


Well-Known Member
I think you should just take a new picture, holding a sign that says RIU in your right hand, and holding up your thumb an 2 fingers on your left hand.

Might as well get it over with now.....