What happened to my buds??


I grew a load of bud last year and thought I'd just keep it all :)
I kept it all in airtight jars and almost every day aired it out for 30mins or so.
Recently I've noticed a difference in how it crumbled between my fingers. It used to 'crumble' quite nicely, but now it sort of... falls apart! What happened? It's been in the same jar for about 5/6 months now. I thought weed could be kept 'fresh'-ish for a couple years at least!?
I cannot see any white patches that would indicate mold. But could it still be mold or something similar?

Anyone had this?

Is it ok to smoke? I think I'll probably smoke it anyway! But definately interested in why this happened and if anyone has this before?



Active Member
If you kept opening the jars for 5-6 months then you just dried it all the way out instead of curing it.


Active Member
yeah what he said plus it takes like a couple of weeks to cure. waiting 5-6 months is like buying a sack of dro from a dealer in your area its gonna be old and not as good.

thats why we grow to have fresh bud thats the best. at least i thought ? lol


Well-Known Member
over cured, may as well make hash with it, theres probably a good amount of THC left. leaving a wet towel over the lid when you screw on the mason jar may rehydrate them, or ive heard of putting in an orange peel. never overcured though, i smoke my bud way before i can overcure it hahaha


I see. Well I could only do 1 grow at the time so I grew enough to last a while..

Fresh bud is no doubt better than what I've got left! Which is about an oz! So perhaps double the amount I stick in a joint or is this pointless?

Thanks for replies. I got time and space for another grow soon so I'll defo be lookin into better storage/curing methods. Thanks again


Well-Known Member
I see. Well I could only do 1 grow at the time so I grew enough to last a while..

Fresh bud is no doubt better than what I've got left! Which is about an oz! So perhaps double the amount I stick in a joint or is this pointless?

Thanks for replies. I got time and space for another grow soon so I'll defo be lookin into better storage/curing methods. Thanks again
have you heard of BHO? or dry ice hash would be a good idea, you wont regret it.


Well-Known Member
I see. Well I could only do 1 grow at the time so I grew enough to last a while..

Fresh bud is no doubt better than what I've got left! Which is about an oz! So perhaps double the amount I stick in a joint or is this pointless?

Thanks for replies. I got time and space for another grow soon so I'll defo be lookin into better storage/curing methods. Thanks again
You should try smoking it first before doubling up! you may be pleasently suprised.

You can throw in the skin of your favourite citrus fruit and let your bud re-hydrate for 12 - 24 hours, also you should start your next run if you only have an Oz left. :shock:



Active Member
lol its not gonna be pointless dude, some 2 year old brick that got dropped in a puddle will still get you high and won't be super terrible for you. people smoke cigarettes and thats rat poison lol. i rest my case


totally, openin the jar wouldve jst dried it out m8 but ifu kept it closed 4 a certain length of time at the start of the jar process then bingo, like MyndMy said would hv cured into nice tidy dry solid tight crystal buds, nice m8, still blowable but u prob find the smell on the bud slowly gettin weaker, nice1 anyhowz m8 think am gonna be doin the same, puttin a healthy bit aside 4 myself, bubblgum koosh, stanky and well sticky, only 5th wk flowerin 12/12 jst now, do i want 2 be changing the time of the lighting to wat 18/6?? or would it matter at this lateish stage..thnx man


totally, openin the jar wouldve jst dried it out m8 but ifu kept it closed 4 a certain length of time at the start of the jar process then bingo, like MyndMy said would hv cured into nice tidy dry solid tight crystal buds, nice m8, still blowable but u prob find the smell on the bud slowly gettin weaker, nice1 anyhowz m8 think am gonna be doin the same, puttin a healthy bit aside 4 myself, bubblgum koosh, stanky and well sticky, only 5th wk flowerin 12/12 jst now, do i want 2 be changing the time of the lighting to wat 18/6?? or would it matter at this lateish stage..thnx man
Yep, sounds like a made a rookie mistake there..

As to your grow, it's kinda catch-22, as far I know. More light the better but also the plant will do most (maybe all) of it's growing while they sleep ie when lights are off. If I'm wrong someone please correct me..

My next grow is prob gonna be 20 white widow x big bud and a few bubblelicious autoflowers just to see what all the fuss about auto's is..

I've looked up storage methods and seen loads of stuff.. plain old tin foil, vacuum sealed bags, mason jars all sorts! Might try a few and see what works best over long period of time


have you heard of BHO? or dry ice hash would be a good idea, you wont regret it.
I'd not heard of it before you mentioned it. Looked up a few examples and it does look pretty sweet. Is the smoke harsh? I like a light high nothing that gonna knock my socks off. Learned to take it easy in Amsterdam after gettin hit by a tram cos i was soooo stoned! 2 knee ops later i'm aware of my limits!

So 1oz would turn into how much in your experience?


You should try smoking it first before doubling up! you may be pleasently suprised.

You can throw in the skin of your favourite citrus fruit and let your bud re-hydrate for 12 - 24 hours, also you should start your next run if you only have an Oz left. :shock:

Yeah I didn't quite time it right!

Say if I add for example an orange peel will it taste orangey?lol


Well-Known Member
I'd not heard of it before you mentioned it. Looked up a few examples and it does look pretty sweet. Is the smoke harsh? I like a light high nothing that gonna knock my socks off. Learned to take it easy in Amsterdam after gettin hit by a tram cos i was soooo stoned! 2 knee ops later i'm aware of my limits!

So 1oz would turn into how much in your experience?
1 oz of BHO? your gonna get a good ass amount, you gotta make it the right way with the right equipment though, the piece you smoke it with can be expensive too, all you need is a dome and a nail.


Well-Known Member
lol its not gonna be pointless dude, some 2 year old brick that got dropped in a puddle will still get you high and won't be super terrible for you. people smoke cigarettes and thats rat poison lol. i rest my case

Lol. I smoked some bud that was almost 2 years old once. My boss had stashed some in a baggie in a flashlight when he was building the skatepark I worked at a long while back. Almost 2 years of being open and I found it when I was digging through the tools. Shit had no weed taste at all. More like an old sweaty towel that's been under the seat of your car for 6 months. Just tasted dry and old. Got me high though, so that was nice. :bigjoint:


Lol, and agreed. I've smoked a load of my leftovers during a Scrubs marathon. Tasted like wet dog.. but got me high!

So where did i go wrong? How to keep those tight crispy buds for a long period?
Perhaps someone could break it down ie

1st week - normal drying, I have mine hanging off string in a box with about 40% ventilation
week 2 - 10? in mason (or similar) jars, opening every day for 30mins?
week 10 and on - still in jars, simply not airing it every day

anyone have a method that keeps buds crisp and ripe for say 6months?
It's just a little dried out throw a couple of baby Carrot in the jar for an hour to just give it a little moisture....this won't fix the bud but at least it will Stop it from transforming into shake if you have multiple jars stop opening them keep them sealed and work on one jar at a time.......no bud is better then fresh bud, but no bud at all now that's just crazy.....and plus it's not like your buying some dried out bud from someone who's handled it in the worst possible ways. You've been handeling it and have just kept it sealed in a jar so all of the trichomes are prob for the most part still intact so it should still get you pretty high now the only negative is gunna be the taste
I would get one of those vacuum seal freezer bags and see if that works do preserving bud for a long time I also heard somewhere that keeping it refrigerated or freezing it helps preserve it