What gives the president the power to make executive orders?


Well-Known Member
Yet, since I stipulate it is sadly fucked and still beyond all and to die for, will you agree that "semantic keep away" is only one of the ways to look at it?

It is very detailed, into at least 4 other ways of strategic legal thought, that are not Lay opinions. The court is stacked in the dance of Death. How elgant is that part, when put against the other pace elements? Lovely, I say. Deliciously ponderous the entire thing, this self rule.

Warlords are swift and arbitrary. They change at the whim of the concubine, even. Not the living, breathing, evolving, and constantly shit dipped and not blood dipped...LAW. It remains in tact more or less for your lifetime. We chew on the edges.

And is it not a profession that demands such scholarly rigor, that it is an actual science? A Doctor of Jurisprudence, a J.D. minimum. You don't have that and neither do I.

And you and I hope for the 36K days or more, but this is much bigger than that. The details of self rule are ugly.

But, it's what we have. It's not right or wrong. Just extremely powerful.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You give Marx a lot of credit Keynes.

Next week wiping your ass will be a statement of the proletariat.
and if you actually read marx, you would see that he changed the game, but youre a run-of-the-mill lefty, little more than a poseur and a Useful Idiot.

perhaps if you learned a little about the SOURCE of the ideology you espouse you might someday aspire to the title "Fellow Traveler"

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
SOTUS is right on what they rule on
And that has been very narrow ruling for a while

It is not right or wrong

Nothing emotional about it to say otherwise is just lay opinion

It is the rule of law only

Not much. Just the best there is so far
The best there is so far? I disagree. Prussian school system ?
