What do YOU use as bong water??? (When you dont use water)


Active Member
2 people actually suggested mouthwash. I am confused about the pomegranate juice though, do you drink afterwards? or is it just to flavor the weed? What about pineapple juice, or for that matter what about just using flavor extracts then? Like the ones for cooking and what not-DUBZ


Well-Known Member
Seems like a waste of juice to me, I like to taste my weed anyway and drink my juice lol. I use water from a Brita filter, no ice. I heard if the smoke is too cool and gets water vapor/ice crystals in it it can actually be harmful.
I have actually tried Kalua which wasn't bad, haven't tried anything new since though. I need me a bigger bong lol so I can try some of these, I think mine is one of the smallest ones around lol!