what do you think? Have questions for U.


Active Member
I have been looking into a larger grow and have come up with a few questions i was hoping some of you here might know the answers to from personal experience or friends of yours.

-What area do you think a 1000watt hps can cover? Im using a sunlight supply cool sun xl reflector. Dimensions: 25” Long x 23½” Wide x 9½” Tall

-Im looking to feed roughly 250 plants. Its going to be a drip line system. How large of a res should i use for that? All plants will be on one res.

-What do you thnk of light rails? Do they help with streaching? Are they worth it?

-How do i avoid streaching? I have notcied in my smaller grows that my middle section of my tray stay way down where as my ones on the edges seem to get really tall and lean in. How do i avoid that?

- i was hoping to use a SCROG for this setup. So i want be able to move the plants once i flip them and put up the screen. Is that a good way to avoid streaching during flowering?

The dimensions that i am working with is 8X40. I was going to make a area of 6X40 so i could walk up and down to access all of the plants. How many 1000watts would you use to cover that section? I have been looking at 8 total, but i am afreaid that they wont be able to cover a 6ft wide section that is why i am looking into light rails. I origianlly thought i could just rotate the outer plants towards the middle of the light but once i put the screen up i wont be able to move anything, so im looking for advice here. So what do you think?