What do you like to do when you're high?


Active Member
i love to go kiteboarding if anyof you know what that is...if not look it up its the shit.
also play ea skate
watch educational documentaries



Well-Known Member
I like to be active and play basketball, box my friends, run around and have fun. I also like to play guitar or any instrument for the matter...write, talk, hang out with my friends and my girlfriend. I DON'T KNOW A BUNCHA SHIT MANG


Well-Known Member
I like to be active and play basketball, box my friends, run around and have fun. I also like to play guitar or any instrument for the matter...write, talk, hang out with my friends and my girlfriend. I DON'T KNOW A BUNCHA SHIT MANG
damn u just made me tired with that list and i work out, u must smoke satvia right?


Well-Known Member
Oh man.

Listen to music is def. the first one. Everything is so much better, Specially Minimalism. It makes me think and if im really toasted ill start to make up dances haha.

Uhm, Watching the stars and clouds is also amazing, specially if your on a trampoline, you come up with so many more figures and constilations. Last night i found a lavalamp in the belt of orion.

Kyaaking is fun, If your not stupid and get caught in with trees haha.

I def. like to watch funny movies as well and just talk about everything.

It just makes everything so much better.


Well-Known Member
damn u just made me tired with that list and i work out, u must smoke satvia right?
yessir. I'm certainly not the guy who sits around smoking. I smoke and then pursue normal activities. I hate sitting around with my friends, I'm always saying we should get a ball game going or something. if no one wants to do that, I get a pen and paper and write..or find something interesting to do. I just won't sit around.

then again when I'm REAL fucked up I can chill for an hour before I go out and do anything


Well-Known Member
I love to be outside, especially at night. Going on adventures and walks or being in a forest, having bonfires listening to music and chilling with friends. Watching the sky trying to find shooting stars and satellites. Hot boxing my cousins car with my other cousins and a few friends and then just talking about random shit in the car. I'm famous for carrying my PSP around with me in my backpack and have my music playing while we are smoking no matter where we are. My buddy and I usually smoke at the school by my house and ill just have my music going while we're hitting the bong or while we are boxing my garage, its awesome it sets the mood you know. Just chillin and trippin out to some good music, yo. I guess that sounds gay but It's awesome. Brought back some goooood memories :-D

^^By the way, Senses fail is the shit. I love Rum is for drinking not burning:mrgreen::leaf:


Well-Known Member
I like to get ripped go to a party and start arguments about things people are too afraid to talk openly about, religion, politics, animal rites anything to get the people going. If im too blazed I make a taco Bell run, put on a movie, or gutiar hero and shread some music!


Well-Known Member
I like to get ripped go to a party and start arguments about things people are too afraid to talk openly about, religion, politics, animal rites anything to get the people going. If im too blazed I make a taco Bell run, put on a movie, or gutiar hero and shread some music!

I feel you with having the arguments...I love to do that too


Well-Known Member
I love to be outside, especially at night. Going on adventures and walks or being in a forest, having bonfires listening to music and chilling with friends. Watching the sky trying to find shooting stars and satellites. Hot boxing my cousins car with my other cousins and a few friends and then just talking about random shit in the car. I'm famous for carrying my PSP around with me in my backpack and have my music playing while we are smoking no matter where we are. My buddy and I usually smoke at the school by my house and ill just have my music going while we're hitting the bong or while we are boxing my garage, its awesome it sets the mood you know. Just chillin and trippin out to some good music, yo. I guess that sounds gay but It's awesome. Brought back some goooood memories :-D

^^By the way, Senses fail is the shit. I love Rum is for drinking not burning:mrgreen::leaf:
my kind of guy :-P


Active Member
hahaha me and my friends usually chill in this park behind our house and just bullshit with eachother for a while.. sometimes we will take the 45 minute trip to the closest white castle.. it varies from night to night.. we have fun. Never leave the house with out my op-con A's