What do you guys think??


Active Member
So, I have been following this uproar on and off for a while now, ans it is fairly difficult to chose a side. Here is a small article: http://www.stuff.co.nz/world/asia/4092862/Japanese-dolphin-hunt-begins

I am talking about the dolphin hunt that goes on in Taiji in Japan.
I mean, what do you guys think? In my opinion (for now) there is no problem with it, I mean it is toatlly controlled, the meat is eaten, and it is tradition. For me, the first thing here is the tradition part, imagine that you and your family have follwed a tradition for your entire lives, since the time of your ancestors. Then some gringo comes along and tries to start a freaking counter movement to prohibit it, without considering the facts that are involved. Sure, just because it is tradition doesn't make it right, but in many cases, like this one, it justifies it almost totally.

To me it is just so fucking rediculous that this is happening, greenpeace and it's followers are just another bunch of money embezzeling bastards trying to get their name on the news. What good has greenpeace ever done that you know of?

Anyway, it is stupid, and most people jump onboard because they think "oh, cute little dolphins, how can you kill them"???? I mean, what about all the goddamn fish that are slowly being irradicated from the sea, does anyone give a shit? No..........

The amount of dolphins killed an eaten each year is very small, and no where near enough to screw with the eco system. They aren't going extinct (some are, but not becasue of this, it is because their food source is running out) therefore, what is the problem? We do this to almost every other species on the fucking planet!!

Like I said, I dunno if I agree but I wont question tradition, especially if it doesn't really effect anything, but it pisses me right off, these fucking righteous protesters who have no understanding of the situation.

Anyway, what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
eh im not down with that tradition. Sounds a bit barbaric to me, you dont see people in rome reviving their culture with gladiators (however mma is kinda close lol)..." Most Japanese have never eaten dolphin meat and, even in Taiji, it is not consumed regularly." Sounds like this tradition is just based upon the sole act of killing animals for "fun" and sounds like their arent too many true followers as their ancestors prb used every part available. Killing corraled dolphins is just cruel, they're great creatures and we need more wildlife on this planet as our ecosystems are slowly going to shit. I also disagree with their sharking and whaling, pretty fucked up to catch a live shark (awesome creature) cut all its fins off and drop it back into the water to slowly die, just so some jap can have his soup....


Active Member
Yeah man traditions are fun. My ancestors had some pretty cool traditions, but the civil war took care of that... Oh well life goes on I guess.... All kidding aside I think that dolphins are right up there with monkeys in regards to intelligence, in which case I think slaughtering them and eating them is kinda fucked up. I live on the water and experience dolphins quite frequently, very interesting creatures.. not really like any cow I've seen.. Bottom line, do I think it's wrong? yes... Am I going to try and stop them? no, I don't really know too much about the ecological implications this has so I'm not going to start talking out of my ass.


Active Member
Cool, nice replies, I mean, I kinda agree with you guys, with the barbaric ways of doing it, and as I said, not all traditions are positive, but if it isn't really effecting much, what is the problem? In that sense I mean, not the sense of cruelty and such.
I am totally against animal cruelty. But I mean, why don't these protestors go to spain where they do the running of the bull or bullfighting? They are some of the most barbaric "sports" or traditions that are alive today. No one cares though. Or go to china where they cage up cats and dogs, and throw them around, kick them, basically treat them worse than a piece of dirt, and then eat them.

I dunno, too many double standards with these people. Also when you said (dam) that it isn't eaten much. Or atleast the artcle said, I have read other studies on it that say that it is a ritual or a once yearly thing, these dolphins are being eaten from what I have seen.

Anyway, I don't think it is worth the time and effort, up until 30 years ago noone even knew this was going on, and thats because the Japanese were not abusing the amount they hunted.
This no doubt will generate lots of money and followers and in the end, they will have nothing to do. And the leaders will just be left stuffing their pockets.


Active Member
The mass killing of top predators is never a good thing. Dolphins don't reproduce as fast as most fish (alternative food source) so I wouldn't see slaughtering wild ones a good idea. Also from what I remember I think part of their motive is to drive fish stocks up, less dolphins equals less competition when its time to harvest tuna


Well-Known Member
The only reason why I am kind of against this tradition is because the manner in which they hunt these creatures...I've seen a few videos and it is totally inhumane...Dolphins are the 2nd smartest animals on the planet(behind us) and I believe that if they should be hunted, that it should be done in a less barbaric manner...


Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I had to get off my phone (which is where I do most of my posting from on here...I love my Droid Incredible...anyway..) and on my pc. I can't get my thoughts out on it fast enough...my keyboard can't keep up :D

So people going into other peoples countries and taking away traditions is always fucked up...but it happens. It's not just Americans who are against it....try a majority of the democratic nations out there. Hell any compassionate person anywhere really (not implying you lack compassion).

You know how many cows there are on earth compared to dolphins? Fuck cats and dogs too? Americans and bigger nations have domesticated cats...they are pets in some places that are more advanced. You can't go down to africa or china and go hey...eating those are bad...because they are ACTUALLY EATING THEM! Japs eating the dolphins?....eh not so much. Why continue a tradition if your not going to do it the way it was supposed to be done? I can fucking promise....that the dolphin tradition used to be ceremonial. Japanese are highly ceremonial people. They live for that shit. Now it's to reduce predators eating the money out of their pockets. Welcome to 2010. Greed drives all the greatest problems in the world. All of them.

If japan killed a few every few years...had an awesome ceremony and all that then fine...we should shut the fuck up...but when your KILLING ENTIRE SPECIES OF SHARK, DOLPHIN, AND WHALE ON THE REG....well that is not cool bro. The ocean is EPIC! We've only explored 10%!!!! But they are killing off all the major predators in the ocean...which happen to also be the most majestic....whats next stingrays and coral reef? Why are they doing it? Because they loose money...or they just love to murder...Japanese people tend to be fucking insane...literally....that country has some of the most insane shit ever thought up. Ever.

Anyway. Killing is killing....no matter how you slice the death pie. Be it for ass backward traditions or for profit. Unless it's a sustainable source of food and resources....I don't find it right to kill it like it's 1651. Lots of fish in 1651. We barely had boats. And color.


Well-Known Member
I had to get off my phone (which is where I do most of my posting from on here...I love my Droid Incredible...anyway..) and on my pc. I can't get my thoughts out on it fast enough...my keyboard can't keep up :D

So people going into other peoples countries and taking away traditions is always fucked up...but it happens. It's not just Americans who are against it....try a majority of the democratic nations out there. Hell any compassionate person anywhere really (not implying you lack compassion).

You know how many cows there are on earth compared to dolphins? Fuck cats and dogs too? Americans and bigger nations have domesticated cats...they are pets in some places that are more advanced. You can't go down to africa or china and go hey...eating those are bad...because they are ACTUALLY EATING THEM! Japs eating the dolphins?....eh not so much. Why continue a tradition if your not going to do it the way it was supposed to be done? I can fucking promise....that the dolphin tradition used to be ceremonial. Japanese are highly ceremonial people. They live for that shit. Now it's to reduce predators eating the money out of their pockets. Welcome to 2010. Greed drives all the greatest problems in the world. All of them.

If japan killed a few every few years...had an awesome ceremony and all that then fine...we should shut the fuck up...but when your KILLING ENTIRE SPECIES OF SHARK, DOLPHIN, AND WHALE ON THE REG....well that is not cool bro. The ocean is EPIC! We've only explored 10%!!!! But they are killing off all the major predators in the ocean...which happen to also be the most majestic....whats next stingrays and coral reef? Why are they doing it? Because they loose money...or they just love to murder...Japanese people tend to be fucking insane...literally....that country has some of the most insane shit ever thought up. Ever.

Anyway. Killing is killing....no matter how you slice the death pie. Be it for ass backward traditions or for profit. Unless it's a sustainable source of food and resources....I don't find it right to kill it like it's 1651. Lots of fish in 1651. We barely had boats. And color.
That's another thing right there!
It just doesn't seem to be a tradition any longer, it's more of a business move now...
The Japanese have seen how much blue-fin can fetch in the market, I believe the the most paid for a single blue-fin was a few hundred grand...And the Japanese are clearly not willing to let that go, even at the cost of an entire species...



Active Member
Yeah the Japaness don't appear to be able to see past the end of their noses, I agree, and about the "not a tradition anymore and more for money" thing, I'm not really sure, I will have to check that out. But it does make sense.

I understand you are not saying I lack compassion, I put this post up because I wanted others opinions, cause most people that I talk to about have the simple answer of "oh my god, dolphins, dying, I fucking hate japs" I want some construtive conversation. And I seem to have found it!!

Now, like all things, tradition evolves, so maybe they don't celebrate the tradition in the same way anymore, but is it still there essentially or not at all? I have no idea, I mean, as you said kodank, if things are not going on in a traditional sense then it is most probably to make money, or to better something that can in turn make money, but honestly I don't think killing a few thousand dolphins per year will replenish the fish population and if it does, we wont see the difference in our life time, I dunno I would have to see some stats.

And what you said about the cats and dogs. For you is it a numbers thing? (shit loads of cats and dogs) Or is it because you actually believe they are being eaten or what? If it is a numbers thing, then to me, if it is a question of numbers vs cruelty or unnecessary killing then it doesn't make sense. Just because there are shit loads of them, doesn't mean they should be killed, has it always been tradition to eat cats and dogs in those countries? I have no idea.

Also, you didn't comment about the Bullfighting, what are your guys opinions on that? I mean, to me that is totally unecessary and incredibly cruel aswell, but noone does jack shit about it!

Anyway, man being at the top of the food chain, will always be the hunter, and when you think about it in that sense, right and wrong doesnt really exist. Not in the animal world anyway, now, the difference is that we have a sense of responsiblity knowing what we know and being as intelligent as we are. Maybe the Japanese tradition is no longer followed to the t, but as long as they have that string to pull, and demonstrate controll over numbers and demonstrate that the eco system is not being affected, I don't think that the protestors will win. Unfortunately.

In my opinion, ANY animal that is not farmed, should not be killed, not even for food. That includes fish! There are a few fish that can be succesfully farmed (salmon, trout) but the rest, cannot be. And we deplete their populations daily. Why has noone put a stop to this?


Well-Known Member
You can always count on RIU to gt some educated conversation! haha
My opinion on bullfighting...it is just as barbaric, if not more...In the situation of the dolphins, at least someone benefits from it...
But in the case of bullfighting, it's solely for entertainment! I don't think any bull makes it out of there alive, it's kind of like The Greek gladiators of the modern world...



Active Member
You can always count on RIU to gt some educated conversation! haha
My opinion on bullfighting...it is just as barbaric, if not more...In the situation of the dolphins, at least someone benefits from it...
But in the case of bullfighting, it's solely for entertainment! I don't think any bull makes it out of there alive, it's kind of like The Greek gladiators of the modern world...

It's funny right? Here on a site full of stoners, you can have a far more interesting conversation about relevant subjects than you can talking with people in the office or in a pub. According to law and politics that doesn't really make any sense hahaha.

I guess that's what I'm kinda getting at the Bob, I mean, much more barabric shit goes on with other animals with no benefit what so ever, and even with humans this happens.
But a cute little dolphin? Shit no! I mean, I'm not saying it's right, but the two faced people of this world really get on my nerves.

Off Topic: By the way, just read that there was a massive quake i Christchurch, New Zealand (where I'm from, and where my family lives) 7.4 on the richter scale, I am trying to contact people but without success. Anyone per chance have any details. Am getting worried?!

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I'd give it time bro. Earthquakes effect communications. Just wait it out...they will contact you. I am sure everyone is fine...i'll contribute more later...got shit to do. Hope everyone is ok.


Well-Known Member
It's funny right? Here on a site full of stoners, you can have a far more interesting conversation about relevant subjects than you can talking with people in the office or in a pub. According to law and politics that doesn't really make any sense hahaha.

I guess that's what I'm kinda getting at the Bob, I mean, much more barabric shit goes on with other animals with no benefit what so ever, and even with humans this happens.
But a cute little dolphin? Shit no! I mean, I'm not saying it's right, but the two faced people of this world really get on my nerves.

Off Topic: By the way, just read that there was a massive quake i Christchurch, New Zealand (where I'm from, and where my family lives) 7.4 on the richter scale, I am trying to contact people but without success. Anyone per chance have any details. Am getting worried?!
Yeah right!? Prohibition has stereotyped the typical stoner in the public eye! It's just ridiculous! They see us as under-educated, lazy, and unproductive people who are useless to society! Totally wrong!

Sorry to hear about the quake, hope your family is ok...
7.4 on the richter is rather serious...Just wait it out and hope all is fine! GL!
