What do you DO?


Active Member
Hey guys just got fired from my job and wondering what does everyone here do for a living im not asking you to give up your company name that would be stupid but just a general description of what you do. I need some advice of stoner friendly areas of work to go into and just wondering if construction is my only option?


Active Member
haha chip and dales? jp keep em comin ive had 2 interviews in the past 2 days and failed both drug tests using stupid ass quick/fix done use it that stuff if garbage lol keep the responses comin

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I am a stoner and i work hard. I don't really understand "stoner friendly" jobs unless you mean jobs you can smoke weed at, in which case the stereotype would be a roofer :p i personally work in the food industry.


Well-Known Member
I pot wash LOL! sucks ass, i sweep floors etc, but im just starting up the employment ladder so its money at the end of the day, i work my ass for minimum wage. Any one got a violin for me?


Active Member
bank manager damn....no Drug test for that? and yes stoner friendly would mean no drug tests and fuck smokin at work thats how I got fired in the first place this fuckin punk kid came in with a bag of weed and smoked everyone out and the boss came in that day and smelled it and whatya random drug test me and 3 other ppl get fired....n the kid with the weed keeps his job...."boss's son"


Well-Known Member
bank manager damn....no Drug test for that? and yes stoner friendly would mean no drug tests and fuck smokin at work thats how I got fired in the first place this fuckin punk kid came in with a bag of weed and smoked everyone out and the boss came in that day and smelled it and whatya random drug test me and 3 other ppl get fired....n the kid with the weed keeps his job...."boss's son"
Sounds like a setup to me...
Report it to What type of work was it?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Oh, no idea then, never taken a drug test in my life. I tell every employee that i smoke cannabis for medical reasons as well as recreational reasons and if they can find reason to beleive it is effecting my work, then they cna act on it. Never had an issue. It's either that or i come into work with the mother of all hangovers, claim it's just a bug or such, and they can't easily do shit all about your piss poor performance other than send you off on a sick day :D You actually find people opening up about what they did as a kid when it's all in the open, much more relaxed and friendly. Fuck drug tests, tell em in advance what they'll find :D

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Swing trader. I take advantage of the price momements in stocks within a week period. Great stoner job. You get to sit at home in a chair all day and smoke weed. And the money is great, if your good at it

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
thats cool^

does it ever go down hill at times?
Oh yea, One week youll be up 5k, next week your down 3k. Some weeks are better than others. As long as you come out over 60-70% right in your trades, you should be good. Its tricky game to get ahandle of and you have to have patience. Sometimes you watch your money just go down the drain on a stupid trade you made. Just gota get out fast and move on to the next one.