what do i do? possibly compromised


Well-Known Member
I went to go check on my plants outdoors today, and two of them had been dug up, completely gone, an one of the buried pots was lying emptied out next to the spot. There was another pot that was buried that i did not see around. I didnt stop to check it out too long. Should i abandon this, could animals have done this. I was using organic fertilizer with fish and seaweed in it. I have more plants around that area that are untouched, and more were going to go out around there. Please let me know what you think.


Well-Known Member
Ok i just went out all covered up head to toe incase of cameras, and the other container was still in the ground and the plant was still in it, just a little buried. I think it was probably just an animal eating it, fish and seaweed may have attracted it. If it was a person or the police I would think they would have taken both plants.


Active Member
I heard that police sometimes leaves some plants and sets cameras, but i don't think they would do so for a couple of plants, anyway be carefull and check around.


Well-Known Member
yeah i did a pretty thorough check around it, and there was deer shit right next to it. there were no footprints or anything. I looked all around for evidence of people being there, and there was nothing. I may just be paranoid. Im not going to go check on them for a while, i have plenty more to go out, so im not too worried about losing them.


Well-Known Member
After consulting with some people, they have assured me that it was most likely racoons. Apparently they are attracted to fresh soil, and thats definitely what was out there


Well-Known Member
Yeah, sounds like animals if the pots were still there. Don't worry about cops on such a small scale, they would just take them and go on their way.


Well-Known Member
hey man, similar thing just happened to me. i put out 6 church clones potted in 20oz keg cups, and placed them inside a 1'5" diameter chicken wire cage that was buried a few inches in the ground and packed down pretty damn good! when i showed up the cage was torn out of the ground and all the cups were empty, one had half the root ball/soil still in it and there was potting soil scattered around the ground. no footprints or deer prints?????

i have a hard thinking that a deer would bite down on the cage and pull it up, it had no real crease in it either. on the other hand why would someone take the plants out of the cups???? and break the rootball in half???? i cant figure it out, i'm leanin towards, some stupid young kid harvested them to try and smoke'm or somethin?

the world may never know! its a good thing i spent all winter growin out moms and talkin clones! i expected to lose about ten out of this year crop to deer and/or people, but damn this is a mind bender!

good luck with the rest of your grow!