What did you get for christmas?


Well-Known Member
hemp hoodlamb, dj short seeds, clothing, cigarettes, sensi pin, money.:hump:
Damn, you made out like a bandit.
I got nothing...tis all good.
The day is not over yet though.
I see money and an order in the near future. :weed:
Merry Christmas everyone.

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Well-Known Member
Three seeds of sleestack x skunk, three seeds of LA Confidential x skunk and one seed of OG18 x skunk...and ten plants a buddin'.


Well-Known Member
i got a 360 from my inlaws. it was totally unexpected considering how broke i am and how much they usually hate me. i guess they knew i was bummed when i sold my other one.


Well-Known Member
Pajamas, slippers, long johns, boxers, gloves, more socks than ive ever seen, 26 of jager, beer, wallet, tis a damn good christmas.


Well-Known Member
my dad bought me a space heater to put in the shed so that when i go out to toke i dont have to freeze :D and i got some jammies, these super soft brown fuzzy track pants, a couple cute shirts, some money from my grandma, some chocolate, and i nearly polished off a bottle of wine at my uncles house :D hehe i had a pretty good day!


Well-Known Member
I got socks,boxers 25 dollars and a bangin george forman grill I got some burgers on that bitch right now.


Active Member
Some herb, cash, a watch,a ink pen multi-tool, and a case of beer. Not to mention a great day with my family. merry christmas everyone.