What deficiency is this?

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Old school growers before there were ever flushing solutions made , long long ago used Epson salt to loosen up other salts caught in the growing medium so they flush out easier, it makes logical sense to me.
Maybe no one but us old farts get it.
I've heard of people using yucca to flush. (Fox farms 'sledgehammer')
Citric acid is also popular. I think that's what is in Clearex.
Epsom is a new one! Heck I just gave some to a plant that was showing mag deficiency. I watered until there was runoff but hopefully I didn't accidentally flush.


Well-Known Member
That's simply not true.
Unlike peat, coco is PH neutral.
Dirty coco needs to be soaked to get rid of excess sodium and potassium.
I have opened up alot of grow containers and have never seen all the salts flushed out ,
Maybe I am old school and I know I am ,
But I wouldn't use very many materials, Coco, peat, rockwool without first soaking it in PH ballanced water ,
Soil always gets garden lime ,


Well-Known Member
I've heard of people using yucca to flush. (Fox farms 'sledgehammer')
Citric acid is also popular. I think that's what is in Clearex.
Epsom is a new one! Heck I just gave some to a plant that was showing mag deficiency. I watered until there was runoff but hopefully I didn't accidentally flush.
Even if you flush some out you refeed it next feeding it's just used to try and dissolve some of the nutrient salts and flush them out. Nothing gets all the nutrient salts out, we just do the best we can, especially when nothing existed for flushing back in the day, it helps, that's all


Well-Known Member
To OP. Magnesium increases the availability of Nitrogen. I would personally dose them with some Epsom Salts.

Here’s a handy chart! Helped me out loads.
This is really interesting - what's up with calcium in this chart though? Is it really antagonistic to all other nutes? Doesn't Ca serve certain benefits too?


Well-Known Member
I agree worm castings are great, but more for the biological benefits of it.
For micro I really like azomite ,
That's simply not true. Worm castings are considered "Black Gold" to any organic gardener. And I'm too tired to debate this so I'll just leave these very simple charts here for some added info.
Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
This is really interesting - what's up with calcium in this chart though? Is it really antagonistic to all other nutes? Doesn't Ca serve certain benefits too?
it's kind of a misleading statement, be careful. Yes in 'certain' plants, magnesium helps fixate nitrogen from the air, but cannabis is not one of those plants, it's mainly legumes. So no, in your case, epsom salt will not increase availability of nitrogen. Calcium is an antagonist to many other elements, namely cations as the calcium atom is much bigger than the other cations, therefore it bonds easier to negatively charged particles in your soil. On the other hand, magnesium is much smaller and can get bumped off these exchange sites by the bigger calcium atom. Also, an excess of magnesium will 'pull' your soil together tighter for that very reason whereas more calcium will loosen it up and make it airier. Too much magnesium will also mean you have less oxygen in your medium, and organic matter will break down slower.
That's the problem with old farts at times..they are doing things like they were done 30+ years ago and they continue doing superstitious things because they got used to it, not knowing that it may likely serve no benefit at all and may cause issues. Cleaning solutions or flushing agents are also a marketing ploy and not necessary at all!
Don't debate with him tangerine lol..there is no getting through someone who's stuck in their old ways...one non sense after another from him..worm castings have no nutritional value LOL. When you start seeing things like that and using epsom to loosen other salts, you know he's talking from his ass..as epsom doesn't even have the strength to do that even if you tried. Magnesium doesn't hang around the soil long, it doesn't bond as easily to the cec exchange sites, so it can't loosen the tougher to remove iron or aluminum ion which can become a problem at lower ph's. Calcium however would bump those elements off..hence why people use cal-mag and it seems to solve their problems..not because the plant is missing it, but rather because the exchange sites in your medium have been occupied by the tougher to remove ions, and namely calcium will push them off and flush them out if they are insoluble due to ph, or it will make them available to the plant if ph is correct. Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate..magnesium won't help as much and sulfur won't help at all in removing anything as it's a negatively charged anion and it will have no attraction to the negative particles in your medium (cation exchange sites), it simply runs through like nitrogen would.
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Well-Known Member
When I grow in dirt ( organic) almlst never anymore, unless it is organic hydro.
I use blood meal, bone meal, sea bird guano, bat guano , worm castings ,
Of course dirt , pearlite ,azomite , garden lime is a must,also several different types of mycos , powdered and liquid ,
Can't get enough of them, I like sucanat for feeding the Bennie's ,
So folks I am not discounting the benefits of worm castings as a huge benefit because of it's micro activity ,
But it is so low in NPK that it won't feed a plant for very long by itself.
The micros from azomite more than makes up for anything in the worm castings provide and the blood meal is for the nitrogen.
These debates for those that see them as you have been civil for the most part are not done in animosity but are good for the whole growers community to see and form their own opinions if they wish also making I would hope both better more knowledgeable understanding growers ,
Everyone will have their own opinions ,
It's not a matter of what benefits we think we get from such things as worm castings , it is we know it benefits us alot to have them in a organic mix.
We just think it benefits us in different ways.
You think it is mostly a food to feed micro and macro nutrients and I think it is mostly a beneficial colony of good little beasties that benefit the plant by making it much better for the plant to up take nutrients and develop a beneficial colony of good beasties in the soils to help the plants root zone and up take ,
That's the only difference in our opinion and nothing to get upset about.


Well-Known Member
Worm castings don't need an npk value to be considered a nutritional benefit. It's kind of like saying, with regards to humans..that green tea or say b-vitamins, have no nutritional value, why? because they don't contain any calories? They help with metabolism among other things. So no..you won't be 'full' after ingesting them..but they make better use of the actual food you do eat by breaking it down faster and more efficiently.


Well-Known Member
Cal locks magnisium
Magnisium locks out cal

To.me they look like they need some nitro and cal mag and bring your ph down to 6
Then give it a few days also keep an eye on humidty

Cause after you get past 6.5 some micro elements will have a hard time being absobed