What Can I Fit?


Hey everyone.

This year I am building a garden outside that will be either 12'x6' or 12'x8' depending how it fits the yard. I am going to be quarter this garden into 4 6'x3' or 6'x4' sections. I have made up a design and have graphed it into square foot sections and now im looking to find out what I can potentially fit in this garden. So one thing I am wondering is if there is a general rule to go by when determining what fits in your garden? Example im looking for is something like 1 plant per square foot or something along those lines. I know it depends on the plants you grow but just in general what should I let available per plant or plants?

Also just to get more out of this thread if possible can you guys name off some plants that grow pretty tall such as tomatos? Reason Im asking is because 1 side of each quarter of my garden will have a tall fencing material available for plants that need that extra support to grow up so im looking to get some ideas on what kind of plants would be ideal for growing up this fence. I already know ill be growing tomatos but looking for some other fun things to grow tall.

Thanks everyone!


Active Member
One can not accurately tell you how many plants can go in a given space without knowing what the plants are, there's just no way. If you were planting all pepper plants you could get away with 18 inches between plants and 24 inches between rows. Tomatoes need to be spaced about 3 feet apart and 3 feet between rows. You can plant both much closer but you would regret it. as far as the fence you could plant pole beans, cucumbers, small melons, peas, smaller squash. You could actually grow medium size fruit up the fence but you would have to make some sort of hammock to support the weight of the fruit or veg. This link might help you to decide what you want to grow if you are looking to sq. ft. garden. http://forums.gardenweb.com/forums/sqfoot/. Take a look at some of the pics in my photobucket link, I grow a lot of plants vertically up my privacy fence. http://s117.photobucket.com/albums/o65/thepodpiper/ . Hope this helps.



Thanks! I did find a few free ebooks about it as well. The thing is some say one thing and some say another. Good example is one said that you could fit 2 tomato plants in 1 square. Even myself never doing squarefoot gardening before can tell that 2 tomato plants each square is rediculous. Ten others say 1 a square and another 1 per 2 squares. So thats why I was asking to get some more input on others who have had great results with the method. But I will deff look into some more books.


Active Member
You could plant 2 per square foot but the end result would be fewer toms per plant due to them fighting for nutes and roots being all twisted up. the other is, you need good air flow through the plants to reduce the possibility of disease and fungus.
