What can I do to get the most out of my plant

BC Budman

Active Member
My plant has been budding for about 3 weeks now. I have not given it any fertilizer throughout its entire life. Its not yellowing or showing any signs of nute deficiency. But i want to make sure its got everything it needs to produce as much bud as possible.

I am thinking that giving it one good feeding might be a good idea before letting everything flush out for harvest.
I also don't really want to spend any more on fertilizer so things like molasses and ash and other household or relatively cheap ideas are preferable

Thanks for the responses.


Well-Known Member
i use fox farm nutes but if u want cheap and affective go with unsulphured molasses and flush with distilled water for the last 2 weeks of budding the sugar in it fatetens up ur bud nicely.


Well-Known Member
average is 1 tablespoon per gallon, but you could increase it to two throughout flowering.


Active Member
Can you use the molasses for the last 2 weeks? Mines almost finished and I'm wanting to flush out the Ferts I used and give it a sweeter taste (heard this works...)

Or do I need to water once with the molasses and then flush with normal water from the last 1- 2 weeks?



Well-Known Member
BC Budman- Wood ash would give it all the essential nutrients besides nitrogen. Use ashes from hardwood like oak, they contain a greater amount of nutrients. If you have good sized plants 2 teaspoons per gallon is good. If you have acidic soil its good to use since it ups pH. Depending on how much longer you have until harvest you would benefit from 4-5 waterings with it much more then 1.

Me22- Yes you can flush with molasses